Hearing you cry in the bathroom 1

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//Hyung Line//


> When he hears you crying quietly his heart breaks

> Knocks and softly tells you to open the door

> "Y/n, don't feel embarrassed about me seeing you. Let me help"

> When you open the door he'll hug you tight until you calm down

> Will sit with you so you can tell him the whole story

> He will give good advice 


> Gets a little frustrated that you won't let him in

> Paces by the door quietly waiting for you to come out

> After a while he'll talk to you telling you it'll be okay

> When you come out he'll hug you tight, continuing to say he'll do whatever you want

> "Tell me whatever it is y/n, I promise I'll make it better"

> Hates seeing you that way so will always take action himself if necessary 


> He'll wait patiently for you until you come op

> Tears up a bit himself

> Tell you to rest with him and tell him what is wrong later

> "Let's go for a walk then we can sort this out okay?"

>  Very good listener and knows what to say to help you 

> Gives advice but lets you choose the best way to resolve the problem

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