C H A P T E R 39

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"Will you go on a date with me?"

It seemed like an eternity for him to answer. Y/n's heart beater in her ears, anxiously waiting for his answer. Was this a bad idea?

A smirk crept onto Brian's face, still not saying a word.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" Y/n scoffed, the anxiousness in her not at all wavering.

"You're doing that thing because you know it gets me messed up in the brain-"

"That seems very specific."

"Can you just please-"

"Yeah, I'll go on a date with you." Y/n blinked her eyes, for a second in disbelief. Slowly her face was being decorated with a happy smile. She felt her cheeks heat up, a giddy feeling in her heart.

"Yeah, yeah ok. Thanks. I'll get back to you on other details later." She rambled out, her smile not once faltering. She turned around to leave, almost knocking into a wall.

"That was on purpose!" Brian chuckled and watched her walk off farther into the store.


🎉 🎉

Well he was acting like a fucking tease as he always does.
But he said yes


Wait I'm at ___ at the hoodie section, come over.

ye give me a minute
Do you want Masky's number??

I'm fucking scared of that gay


Y/n turned her phone off, a large grin on her face. She was just hiding away from humanity as a bunch of happy, yet overwhelming, emotions came over her.

She had at least 20 ideas for what to do for a first date with Brian. They were all exciting to her, but she needed to contain her happiness before she bursted out into a cheer.

"Are you Y/n?" The girl quickly turned her head to the voice, seeing a girl the same age as her.

"Yeah, that's me!" The regular, vulnerable part of her left and went back to the presence she was meant to out on. The online presence she was known for.

"Holy shit, can I get a picture?" The idol nodded and posed next to the fan, a nice smile planted on her face.

"Thank you so much. Oh wait, do you mind if you take some with my friends too?" Y/n mentally sighed, the smile on her face not once faltering. She nodded and for 15 minutes she stood there taking a bunch of photos with the friend group.

Toby had eventually came by, standing a few feet away. Him and Masky laughed at the situation she was in, roasting her from time to time.

"You guys are the fucking worst. Where's Brian?" Y/n asked, finally getting away from the group.

"Probably shopping for something that isn't yellow." Masky insulted, as he usually did.

"So wuh-where are you two going?"

"Hey Toby is that a shirt that makes you look like a waffle?"

Zalgo sat in his office, his hand balled into a fist. The girls anger and stress levels were so staggered. One moment she was happy, and the next she could've been so easy to manipulate into his bidding.

There had to be outside factors the demon wasn't aware of. There had to be.

"Father, what's wrong."

"It's that human, Y/n. She isn't acting accordingly." Lazari sighed, resisting the urge to smile.

"Maybe you were wrong about her-"

"Lazari." She nodded and left the study, going into her own.

Lazari didn't know much about Y/n's personal life. Maybe if she did, there would be a better chance of saving her from the hell she might enter.

"Maybe I need Sally's help on this. She can always help." The child thought out loud. It was probably not a good idea, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Maybe not right now though, that wasn't too great of an idea.

Y/n came back from the mall, throwing all her bags to the bedroom door. Her mom came to the bedroom too, staying by the door frame.

"Where were you? You know how concerned I was when I didn't see you around the house?!" Y/n rolled her eyes, turning her phone on.

"I was out with friends. And if you were so worried why didn't you just call me?"

"Friends? Who are these friends of yours?" The mom asked, completely ignoring her question.

"Mom, I'm sure I can pick my own friends without your judgement. Also aren't you leaving tomorrow for the Bahamas? Shouldn't you be worrying about that?" The mom gasped and ran out the room, filling Y/n with relief.

The three boys made the agreement that they'd leave the clothes here for them to wear when they did stay over. Now Y/n just had to put them away.

The first shirt Y/n picked up was the waffle shirt that Toby had bought, which made her snort.

The first shirt Y/n picked up was the waffle shirt that Toby had bought, which made her snort

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It was a stupid shirt, but it made Toby happy so she bought it for him.


You better not wear some stupid shit to that date

Who tf are you???

Oh yeah forgot to change my username.

'Unkown changed their name to 'Masky 😷'

Masky 😷
Okay don't wear some stupid shit


Masky 😷
With that fucking waffle shirt you bought Rogers I'd shit myself if I didn't know what you were wearing.

'Y/n changed her name to Y/n🐷'

Y/n 🐷
Man you must fucking hate me
Wait my step dad is calling me I'll be back.

Y/n turned off her phone and ran down the stairs and into the living room. It was rare that Adam had ever called her, but when he did it was usually stupid shit.

Y/n's eyes widened as she looked at what was in his hands. Two black gloves that were made of warm fabric.

Let me repeat:

Hoodie's gloves.

. . .

Also like what do y'all think of waffle shirt 🤩



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