C H A P T E R 35

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TW: Minor mentions of Abuse
"Toby get out of my room."

"Guh-give it back!"

"Like hell. And we're also going to the mall tomorrow with Y/n, so be ready for that." Masky's eyebrows raised from beneath his mask. Nightmare came out of her room, sneezing loudly.

"Geez, you good?" Hoodie asked,turning his phone on.

"Y-yeah, just a little cold." She waved off before going into a coughing fit.

"Fucking dumbass, I told you not to go out in the rain!"

"Huh-hey! There was worms in need of saving!" Toby cut in, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, couldn't pass the opportunity," She let out another sneeze, sniffling her nose a bit. "To save the worms."

"Yeah whatever. Let's get you into bed." Masky pushed her into her room, shutting and locking the door behind him. Hoodie kicked Toby out of his room and locked the door behind him.

Y/n was sleeping peacefully in her bed, probably the best sleep she's had in a while.

It was about 4 in the morning, the sun rising slowly. Colors mixed in the sky, creating a calm, warm look.

A sudden shake of her arm woke her up from her slumber. Y/n's eyes slowly opened, only to see a goggled boy with a mouthgaurd on sitting in front of her.

Now, having just woke up, the girl wasn't in the right state of mind and didn't recognize Toby. That being said, she got ready to let out a bloodcurdling scream, only to be stopped with a gloved hand pressed to her mouth.

It took her a minute, but when she finally realized it was Toby in front of her, Y/n immeadietly intended, her heartbeat still beating fast.

Toby noticed this and pushed his hand away from her face, removing the mouthgaurd from his face along with the goggles.

"What the fuck Toby?!" She whisper yelled, smacking his arm gently. He shrugged and set a bag in front of her.

"I cuh-couldn't sleep so I'm now here to teach you how to make friendship bruh-bracelets." He whispered back, a smile on his face. Y/n's eye twitched.

"Toby you absolute-"

"Okay so wuh-wipe the sleepiness from your eyes and let me teach you young grasshopper." He interrupted, patting a spot on the bed flat and dumping everything in the bag onto the bed.

Y/n sighed and sat up, rubbing her eyes. There was no point in trying to sleep now.

"Ok so basically..." The brown haired male went on to explain the steps, to which Y/n tried to follow carefully, messing up a couple of times.

"So what's guh-going on with you asking Brian out?" Toby asked, causing Y/n to cringe.

"I tried asking him last night but..."

"But...?" The girl sighed and ran her free hand through her hair.

"So basically Masky called him and I chickened out and asked him to go shopping. Which would have been fine but then he invited you guys to come with and I was too much of a pussy to say no." She ranted, slight rage in her voice. Toby snickered quietly.

"How do you mess up that bad?"

"That's the thing, I keep trying and I keep failing. I swear this universe is being homophobic towards me!" She whisper shouted, causing Toby to laugh a bit louder.

"Hey does Hoodie know you're here?"

"No, I duh-don't need his permission to go places."

"Don't put it like that. I'm just saying it's a tad bit weird because-"

"He's overprotective of you?" Toby said, a devious smirk on his face. Y/n rolled her eyes and continued on with the bracelet.

"He is not. He acts more like-"

"A buh-boyfriend." He interrupted once again.

"Listen here you little shit-" The two heard one of the other bedroom doors open and immeadietly froze.

"Who is t-that?" Toby whispered, trying to fight back his tics. Y/n shrugged and got up quietly, going to her door and locking it.

"Wow smart move." He deadpanned, going back to making the bracelet. Y/n was about to speak when a loud banging was at her door, causing the both of them to jump.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" It was her mom.


The girl decided not to answer, pretending she was just in a deep sleep. She didn't even dar moving in her position. Neither did Toby, who was doing all he could yo hold back his tics.

The mom sighed and walked off, causing the both of them to sigh in relief. They heard the door shut once more and they both looked at each other.

"Why didn't yuh-you say anything to your mom?"

"Are you fucking crazy? I didn't want her to know you are in here."

"I cuh-could have hidden in your massive ass closet or bathroom." Y/n sighed and hopped back onto the bed, avoiding eye contact with Toby.

"We got into a fight like two days ago. She was being a fucking bitch and started complaining, you know as ones mother does." She sucked in a breath to control her breathing, making sure not to get too mad. That wouldn't look too good for her social image.

"And then she fucking slapped me. And it's not like I'm not used to getting hit, but never from her. It was always my dad. Just never her. We always had each other, and then I grew up." Y/n angrily twisted the strings of the bracelet together, her heart beating faster and her voice getting louder. Toby was still listening, letting her rant.

"I grew up and she acted like she was the victim of me. Can you believe it?! The breadwinner of the family who had to survive abuse from such a young age! She didn't want a child, she wanted a kid. Someone to control." A tear streamed down her face and onto her hand.

"I swear sometimes I just feel like running away and never coming back. That'd be fun, wouldn't it?" Toby looked at her. He'd been finished with his bracelet, looking at her rant. Y/n looked at him too, realizing she'd said too much.

Suddenly two arms were wrapped around her.

Toby was hugging her.

The girls eyes widened for a second, before slowly wrapping her arms around him. For about 15 minutes, she cried into his shoulder.

. . .

Toby x reader sibling relationship check!!
(Before someone asks no, Toby won't form a crush on Y/n, they see each other as siblings.)



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