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Alexander's POV

"What happened?" Her soothing voice reached my ear as she spoke cautiously, no doubt seeing my pissed off expression. Her voice was enough to subdue my anger a bit.

"A fight broke out between a demon and a wolf." I said once the anger wore off. I did not want to raise my tone and hurt her more than I already did. I never intended to hurt her but it was getting difficult to push her away when she was bent on knowing the reasons behind my actions.

Before I lost control and told her things that were meant to stay hidden, I moved to open the door but the protective shield made its appearance. "Open the door." Understanding the situation, she walked past me and easily opened the door. I was confused on how she could open the door without having to communicate with the witch on the other side but decided to drop the thought as I followed her outside the room.

I walked ahead of her avoiding any conversation because I was not in control of my thoughts. Especially around her I seemed to do all the wrong things but apparently, she had other plans. "How did you know?" She asked as she fell in step next to me.

"About what?"

"The fight." She stated. "How did you know about it? Nobody came in the room or anything. Mind links?" One thing I learnt about her in the past days was that she was smart and clever. Whenever she was quiet, I thought of it as the calm before the storm because when she did speak, she would state facts and gave little to no points for further arguments. She knew what to say at the perfect time. She knew the exact words needed to make a deal or break it.

I hummed in response before asking. "The werewolves did not communicate about it through your mind link?" She looked taken aback by the question for a quick second but quickly composed herself. She did not answer but there was a far away look on her face as if she was thinking or having an inner talk with herself.

"They must have informed my father directly." She shrugged. 

I knew she was lying. As much as her family and her tried to hide it, I knew they were not on good terms. Despite being here for only a few days, I have seen the way her parents treated her compared to her siblings. I had witnessed and heard things they wanted to keep hidden from the eyes of the other leaders. I could not bring myself to interfere with her family problems. Not when I was also hurting her and pushing her away.

"I did not know you had mind links too." She said instead and I knew what she was trying to do- change the topic. I went along with it, getting the hint she did not want to talk about things related to her family.

I explained to her, despite my previous resolution. Whenever I was near her, all my resolutions and control would just vanish into thin air. If my resolutions were a mirror, her presence just caused it to shatter into millions of fragments. "We got a witch to do it long ago to ease our communication."

"You keep it a secret though." It was not a question.

"Sometimes things are better if they are kept as a secret." I simply said.

She frowned as she realised that I was not only implying this for the mind link. "Sometimes it's better to open up. You get different point of views, new ideas, improvements, support and it builds trust."

Exact words needed to re-think my choices.

None of us spoke as we neared the area where the fight was taking place. The place was crowded with werewolves and demons only. They all formed a circle as they shouted encouragement to their kind and profanities to their enemies. Grunts and groans were heard from the center along with punches and kicks.

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