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Analise's POV

I had no idea where I was going. All I needed was to get out of that place. I wanted to be alone for some time. I had a lot going on in my mind and I needed to sort my thoughts. I rounded corners, and passed guards until I finally exited the castle. I found myself in one of the outdoor gardens.

As everybody was inside, enjoying the party, it was empty- the perfect place for me. I took a deep breath, the fresh air of the night hitting my nose, calming me a little. Despite the slight chill, it felt good to be standing there with the light breeze falling on my face, blowing strands of my hair. It was dark but the lanterns placed around the place, casted a serene glow over the trees, bushes and flowers. It all seemed magical to me, as plenty of fireflies surrounded the flowers. In the middle of the garden, there was a beautiful pond, surrounded by different sizes of rocks.

The pond and its tranquility pulled me toward it. Soon I found myself taking my heels off. I held them in my hand and advanced towards the edge of the pond, setting them on a rock. Adjusting the dress, I was able to sit down on a rock. The water was clear and I could see the various fishes swimming around, carefree and oblivious to what was happening.

If only my life could be so simple.

I sighed and stared at the water, feeling sad all of a sudden. My solemn reflection contrasted with the carefree nature of the fish. I sighed, not knowing why my mood suddenly shifted. 

Was it because of everything that happened since I got here or for something that was about to happen? I didn't know. All I knew was that the uneasy feeling kept growing.

To be able to get my emotions under control, I closed my eyes, taking in deep breaths and tried to focus on only one thought. At first, everything was clear. It was like each thought was represented by one thread in my mind but as time passed, it all became tangled together, creating a big ball of threads: graduation, my family, my mother's words, the war with the vampires, my father, Evelyne's words, the talk with my grandmother, Malcom, Crescent.

I did not even realise that I was crying until I felt a single tear roll down my cheeks.

How did I end up crying? Maybe I should keep my distance from alcohol.

'Lizzie, is it because of what your parents said about your birth?'

"No Crescent. I promise you it is not." I replied. "Trust me, their words no longer affect me. It is no surprise they want me dead."

'Then what?'

"It's complicated." I did not know what to say. "Grandmother said that they would realise their mistake. Then what? What do I do if they actually realise their mistakes?"

'Lizzie..' She sighed

"The chances of that happening are very slim but what if it does happen? Do I forgive them? Should I forgive them?"

'That's your choice, Lizzie.'

"It is hard to decide." I admitted. "I know it should have been a clear choice. Especially after what happened these past few days. Not only these past days but for a long time. They never contacted me when I was in school. Never visited me. Then, when I came back here, all of those hurtful words they said. I should not forgive them."


"But they are my family." I could not believe that I was actually saying this. 

"No, just because they are my family does not mean I should forgive. They regret that I was born, for god sake. They are ashamed of me as their daughter, as their sister."

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