(Chapter 17)

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Ͼ Ella Castillo Ͽ

What is the fight or flight instinct? When a human is put under pressure where he or she might be in some danger, it reacts instinctively. Without conscious thought, the mind assessed the risk, and in a snap-second, it makes the decision. Fight, or flight. It’s almost completely impossible to oppress.

These useless facts buzzed around my mind, the ones I’d learnt in Biology, almost a whole lifetime ago. But nevertheless, it meant to same thing. It wasn’t my fault. I’ll maintain that if Ash yells at me.

I stood, panting. I had no idea where I was, but that was okay. As long as I was away from that place. The cold air cut into my exposed skin, as I stood in the middle of the street, wearing nothing but a designer dress (and those were approximately the size of bikinis) – for the second time in about a week. I closed my eyes, leaning against the dirty wall, getting my breath back. I didn’t think anyone was following me. Good.

When I opened my eyes, I took in my surroundings. First of all, it was late. Like, seriously late. I glanced at my hand, out of habit. My tacky plastic watch was long gone. I mean, sure, it’d been cheap and plastic, but at least I could tell the time. Now, I had no idea.

Number one thing to do – call a taxi. I didn’t want to be here alone, on this side of town, especially since my dress, that was bought to scream “designer expensive hot”, now seemed to scream “I’m a person worth mugging”. I had to get out of here…

I bit my lip, suddenly feeling guilty. I had to go visit my parents…it’d been a week since I’d last talked to them. I’d been so busy with the stupid training, I couldn’t even spend Christmas with them. I’d promised I would at least spend a little of New Year’s Day with them, at least…


ῼ Ash Castillo ῼ

Mutters reverberated through the Ballroom. No one was playing attention to the Debutantes now. They were all talking about Ella. I leant against the wall for strength, perfectly motionless.

“What happened?” James asked, looking at me, concerned. “Wasn’t Gabriella meant to be your Ball partner?”

I didn’t reply.

The look on her face, as she flew directly past me, her long dress trailing out behind her.

She’s run, again. Where would she go? I couldn’t think, over the loud whispers. I hit the wall, hard. The sudden noise shut everyone up.

“Ash…” James said, tentatively. “Are you okay?”

I pushed past him, weaving in and out of the surprised people, and finally ran out into the streets.

I had to find Ella.


Ͼ Ella Castillo Ͽ

The door opened. I stood on the doorstep, shivering violently. My teeth chattered and my arms were practically blue.

“Ella!” Mom cried, pulling me into the warmth of the cottage that she and Dad now lived in. I’d suggested a penthouse, or a mansion, but they wanted a cottage – a small and warm place to raise a child, they said. “What happened to you? Come inside, you have to be freezing!”

Her warm hands rubbed my numb arms, as she draped a big jacket over me.

My Mom looked great. Her skin glowed, the way a pregnant woman’s always did. Her eyes – the exact shape and color as mine – shone, and even though she looked concerned, she was obviously pleased to see me.

“Your Dad and I were worried you wouldn’t be able to make it,” she said, ushering me into the sitting room. There was a blazing fire in the corner, and the same little plastic tree we’ve had for years, next to it. “Not that we would’ve blamed you if you didn’t…I mean, you are busy nowadays, what with being a huge superstar and everything…”

“I’m not a superstar,” I protested. My lips had almost thawed out, and I could talk again. “I’m just…known.”

“Modest, honey. You’re a superstar.”

A superstar just because I married the world’s biggest douche.

She waved a hand at one of the wall. Already, almost one-quarters of it were covered in press clippings. Some of them had my face in it, either looking pasty and depressed, or freakishly perfect and fake-smiling. I stared at these pictures. I really can’t believe I’m this person now.

Around my face, were headlines like, “New York’s Very Own Cinderella”, and “Cindy on Crack?”

My whole life, plastered on this wall.

Somehow, it depressed me.

This was me. This was all I was, all I ever could be. Everything I’d ever done or said, everything I could do or say. Everyone knew.

My fingers clenched into a fist. I hadn’t really talked about the eventual divorce with Ash, but I suddenly prayed that it would come quicker. I wanted this done. I wanted it all over with. I wanted out.

“So, what do you want to do today? Oh, should we make those homemade Christmas cars we make every year? It’s a bit late, but…”

“I want to make a calendar,” I said, determinedly.

I’m going to make a calendar, counting down to the day Ash and I divorce, and all this is over.


ῼ Ash Castillo ῼ

I turned my head, around and around. I ran through the dark, empty streets, ignoring the stitch in my chest and the biting cold.

“Master Castillo, get into the car!” my chauffeur yelled at me. He drove along the sidewalk in my limo, matching my speed. “You can look for her in the car!”

“No! I can see better this way!”

“Then at least let me be the one to look for her. You can drive –”

“No!” I snapped.

Ella, where are you? How dare you run away from me, again? I thought things we changed…I thought we had an understanding…how dare you run away? If I find you, I’m going to lock you up, and never, ever let you go again.

“Master Castillo!”

“Leave me alone!” I yelled, bursting into a sprint. There was traffic ahead, and so four-hundred yards on, I looked back, satisfied. My driver was stuck behind a long queue of cars, and he wouldn’t move for long time. For the first time, I thanked New York City’s bad traffic.

Now he was gone, I could find her in peace. I wove in and out of streets, some long, some short. Eventually the dark trees became a blur and the shadowed house seemed identical.

I stopped. I had to admit it. I was lost. The chilling cold burnt into my skin. I sneezed.

I cussed, and pulled out my phone, calling for help.


Ͼ Ella Castillo Ͽ

“Done!” I said, looking pleased. I smiled down at my calendar.

“What’s it for?”

“Uh…for our three month anniversary,” I lied. Mom smiled.

“That’s sweet, honey. What are you going to give him?”

“Maybe some, uh, aftershave.”

“Nice. How was Christmas with Ash?”

“Uh, great.”

Truth was, we didn’t even celebrate it. Some husband he was. I checked the clock.

“Mom, I have to get back home. Sorry.”

“No, it’s fine, dear. Just visit as often as you can, and we’ll be happy.”

I gave her and my Dad a hug, before calling up the taxi rental service. In ten minutes, the yellow taxi came, and I slid into it, waving my parents goodbye.


Author's Note: Sorry, sort of anti-climactic chappie this time, but I had a massive Home Ec project to finish.... Hope you understand :)

Warning: Next chappie she will be going to Ash's school :D


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