18: alondra

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"Would you live in a house that somebody got murdered in?" I ask Jack as he works on a problem for a practice test I printed out. We've still got two weeks to prepare for his test, but Jack wanted to get a head start.

"I dunno, probably. What about you?"

I continue writing out the flashcards I'm helping him make. Usually he'd be making them himself, but I'm bored out of my mind. "Probably. You'd get a killer deal on it."


Goosebumps ripple across my arms from his southern drawl. See, that shouldn't be happening. Nope. Friends.

"What?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Killer deal?" Jack asks, his dimples showing on his cheeks.

Wait. Murder house, killer deal. "Holy shit!" I gasp loudly and he starts to laugh full heartedly.

"I didn't think you noticed," Jack muses and I burst into giggles.

"Not at all. Damn, I'm the funniest person I know."

I clap my hands excitedly because it's even funnier I didn't realize that my choice of words was perfect. Jack shakes his head at me and resumes his test. There's two days until Halloween and it feels like the school year is flying by.

I watch him carefully, practically seeing how the gears are moving in his brain as Jack works. His mom cut his hair while she was here so it's much shorter on the sides and longer on top. My fingers are itching to run through the soft locks.

Then my attention goes to his very kissable lips. Kissing Jack feels like a faint memory. His bottom lip is slightly more full than the top one but they're proportional with his face. His cheekbones are high, his jaw sharp with a dusting of stubble across it.

Fuck. I need to stop checking him out. All I can hear in my head right now is stupid Pritchett going 'You're hot. He's hot. You'd make hot babies.' I mean what the fuck?

I push myself up abruptly from the bed. "I'm grabbing a beer, want anything?" I ask, knowing full well that Dylan keeps the fridge stocked at all times.

"No thanks darling, I'm good."

I walk out of Jack's room and downstairs where I find Ruby and Dylan getting hot and heavy on the couch. At the rate they're going, I'm surprised they're both still wearing clothes. I snicker quietly and quietly grab my drink and a water for Jack just incase he changes his mind about wanting anything.

"Jack you won't believe what I just saw in the living room," I grin at him.

"I'm gonna take a quick guess and say Ruby and Dylan?"

I hand the water to him, "Yes! That must happen often then right?"

"Let's just say I'm glad that Coop's room is next to his instead of mine. They put on plenty of shows in the living room if you're unlucky enough to walk in at one of those times." He jokes and I shudder dramatically.


Jack laughs and I take a long drink. I can't imagine ever hooking up with someone just out in the open. He hands me the test after I put my bottle down, "I finished while you were downstairs."

"What do you think you got?" I ask before I even pick up my pen.

He thinks for a moment and glances at the paper. There's a flash of uncertainty in his eyes and I'm taken aback. I think that Jack is so confident in every other aspect of his life except for his academics. It's not even his fault though. Dyslexia isn't something he asked for and it's clear that he's embarrassed by it. Jack shouldn't be though.

Heart As Cold As Ice | 18+ | ✓Where stories live. Discover now