09: alondra

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"I'm sorry, you're what?" Ruby asks incredulously from the couch diagonal to me. After talking with Jack, I decided to reach out to Ruby to see if she wanted to hangout.

"Finding Jack a girlfriend. Do you have any favorite pictures of him you think I should add to his profile?" I reply through a fit of giggles at her reaction. The tinder account I'd made for Jack is open on my phone. I'd gotten on his phone yesterday during our tutoring session and sent myself one or two pictures. I didn't want to scroll for too long, afraid that I'd come across an unwanted dick pic. I don't think he knew what I was doing with his phone, but I think it'll be fine.

Ruby grins widely as Pritchett walks back into the living room of Ruby's apartment with three glasses of white wine balanced in her hands. "I told her it was a bad idea, but she's hellbent on this plan."

"Oh he's going to kill you, but I'm totally all for this." Ruby says, scrolling through her phone for pictures of Jack.

"Jack said it was fine!"

Pritchett shakes her head, "No, tell her exactly what he said."

I roll my eyes but comply, "Fine. It was more so along the lines of 'sure, whatever you want.' But if he didn't want me to do it, then he should have told me no up front."

Ruby sends me a few pictures and we set them up in an arranged order. First, we have a nice smiling one that highlights his dimples. Next, there's a picture of him and his mom we found on his Facebook. Third, of course we have a shirtless picture that was strategically cropped from a trip he took with Dylan. Then there's one of him playing hockey. Finally, we end with a picture of him and his friends at Twin City.

Now we have to figure out a bio.

"What do you think? Something hockey or Texas related?" I ask as we stare at the phone on the couch.

Pritchett shakes her head, "I think this is a terrible idea, but you're going to do it anyways. I'd do Texas. There's way more material."

"What about 'I'm looking for the yee to my haw,' I think that fits Jack perfectly." I say through a fit of giggles. Ruby gasps and covers her mouth.

"That's genius."

Even Pritchett cracks a smile.

I type it in and then his profile is live. When the first girl pops up on his suggestions, I look at Ruby. "You know him the best. What's his type?"

She grins widely, "For hookups he likes to go for blondes. I think we should look for some brown haired chicks. I mean if you want temporary then you go for what you don't like, right?"

"That's some solid logic there," I agree before swiping left on the first profile. "Hey, do you have airplay so we can stream this on the tv instead of all of us trying to see on the phone?"

Ruby's had a full glass of wine and she filled hers much more than I did. "Absolutely." She giggles to herself as she sets it up and we're back in business.

There's so many no's since we're being picky with the yes's, but one of the girls we picked ended up messaging us before we could.

"He'll like that she messaged first. Macy just said hey." Ruby says and Pritchett ponders for a moment.

"Well I think howdy is okay?" She says and I type it into the phone, hitting send before anyone says anything.

"Wait, I want to message the next girl," Ruby says, motioning for me to hand her the phone.

She chooses a Lightning McQueen gif and then types out are you lightning? Because I'm trying to make you my McQueen. I burst into laughter, nearly spilling my wine all over my hand. This is amazing.

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