Hour 3

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  We all found ourselves asleep on the logs that laid around the fire pit. Then my watch vibrated. I immediately opened my eyes and looked down at my watch.

" Yours rung too?"

I looked up and Bryson was looking at me. I looked down at my watch and saw that Robert was trying to call.

I answered the phone and extended my arm out so I'd have a clear view of Robert.

" Well good news. They're here!" Robert said with an odd amount of joy in his voice.

I rubbed my eyes and sighed, " Who's here?"

" Well, the person I sent to help you guys. They got there early."

I stood up and looked around the forest to see if I saw a plane, car, any transportation anywhere but I saw nothing.

" Are you sure Robert? No one is here."

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

" They'll find you. Sit tight, and don't die," he said before he abruptly hung up the phone call.

I sighed and plopped down onto the log.

We all sat there for what seemed like 15 minutes until we heard the snapping of branches and leaves in the distance. We all looked back wondering if it was the mysterious person or one of the aliens. A girl with brown skin and straight, black, short hair pulled back into a ponytail emerged from the forest. She had a backpack and held something in her hand.

" Is that them?" Bryson asked.

" They only sent a single person?!" Johannes said in disbelief.

The girl walked up to us with a smile on her face. She held her hand out and continued to smile at us.

" Bryson," he said as he shook her hand.

" Mya! And you must be Alex," she said as she looked at me and moved her hand in front of me.

" How did you find us....and where did you come from," Bryson asked.

She took a quick look at the four of us then proceeded to explain that the was dropped off in a field not too far from here and used the trackers in our watches to find our exact location and used a navigation device to find us. I had a lot of questions about a lot of things but none of them were more important than the mission at hand.

I let out a faint smile and awkwardly shook her hand.

She turned and looked at my friends with confusion as if she only expected Bryson and me.

" I'm Mya, who are you guys?" she asked.

Johannes held his hand out and shook hers, " Johannes"

Clariece looked at Bryson and me before she shook Mya's hand, " Clariece."

She laughed softly and sighed.

" Sorry, I only expected Bryson and Alex to be here. The more the merrier though!" she said cheerfully.

We stood there in a very uncomfortable silence before Bryson broke it.

" So Mya, Robert sent you here to help us....whatcha got?"

She nodded her head and took her bookbag from off her shoulders and dropped it on the ground. She took out two very small satchels and put them on the log I was laying on.

" You might wanna step back," Mya said as she looked at Bryson and me.

She took out what looked like a ray gun and pointed it at the two miniature satchels. Bryson and I took about seven or eight steps back. Mya got up off the ground and held the gun away from her and pointed it at the bags.

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