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"Master bee?" Maki spoke as their swords clashed, and the indication that he shifted his eyes to her showed that he was all ears. "If I only have a single hand, how can I use more than one sword style?"

"Fool!" He wacked her head with the butt of his blade. "I use 'ma mouth, my thighs, my legs, and many more! You just gotta have style, yoooo~!"

"Just have to have style?" Maki zoned out for a second to think, but unfortunately Bee had struck her in that single second, making the single sword she held in her hand fall and for her to join soon after.

"Ack!" Maki sighed and slowly lifted herself off the water they were floating on, sighing at the added bruise to her right hand. Instead of standing, Maki decided to settle herself into a sitting position and thought long and hard until her mind blanked out and she couldn't think anymore.

"Master bee, I feel like three sword style would be best for me..." She grinned slightly, the thought of a specific green haired swordsman popping into her mind.

"That sound flashy, yo!"

"Not as flashy as seven style, but still cool, yo." She grinned and jumped up, wishing she could clap her hands together if she had two. 

"Alright! I'm going to start training for three-sword-style!"

"Oh, hey Maki." Omoi and Karui approached the girl who only smiled kindly at them. Had they been paying attention more, maybe they would have noticed the slightest falter in her smile as she sat outside the bar.

"What're you 'doin here?" Omoi sucked on his lollipop. "Did master bee drag you out here?"

"Yeah..." Maki sighed. "No, actually, it's fine. I came by choice so...Yeah, it's okay."

"You sure?" Darui popped in from behind the two genin in front of him, having just arrived and noticed the strange fear in her chakra. 

"Yes," Maki nodded. Truth was, she was terrified. Bee, nor anyone who wasn't team Ro, were aware of her fear of alcohol, and she'd never known bee enjoyed to drink quite a bit. Maki didn't want to burden anyone anymore than she already was, so she didn't plan on telling bee.

But Kurama did. Honestly, sometimes he found her kindness annoying, but he understood her more than anyone else could. Which was why he took it upon himself at times to do things she couldn't, such as telling Gyuki of her fear.

In seconds after being told, Bee walked out of the bar and happily walked towards Maki, smiling at his other students as well.

"Next time," His voice was serious as he spoke, and his hand ruffled her hair. "Tell me when you have a fear of something, or are uncomfortable, okay little fox?" 

𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐚 𝐎𝐟 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 | 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝑽𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now