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"You sure about this?" Tenzo muttered, still slightly sour about Maki leaving but he knew she had to build her own career as a shinobi. 

Maki lifted her handless arm and grinned, sweatdropping at the still horrified looks of her friends as they looked at it.

"Don't worry! If I ever need a hand I'll call you!" Shisui snorted while Tenzo sent her an unimpressed look, crossing his arms while she sweat slightly at his stern look. She nervously cleared her throat at looked at the genin (and single chunin) behind Tenzo and Shisui.

"I'll see you guys soon." As a sort of farewell, Maki lifted her arm and showed her fist, urging them to bring their own. A few mutters from them and they all gathered with smiles on their faces.

A few of the boys had blushes on their faces at being so close to Maki despite it being so normal for her, and Tenzo was held back by Itachi and Shisui from killing them while Kakashi inched away from him.

"When I come back," She began with her usual grin that Shikamaru complained about being too bright. "I'll be so strong, that everyone in this village will depend on me to save you all!"

"Hey hey, don't think we're going to be any weaker!" Kiba smirked, and Sakura and Ino yelled out agreements. Maki grinned and pulled her fist back as they all did the same. She slowly walked backwards, her smile not leaving her face.

"I'll be pretty busy while you're gone, but it doesn't mean I'll be any weaker." Even Shikamaru was competitive when he felt like it, and sometimes the shy Hinata joined in.

"Well, take care you guys." Choji thrusted a bag of chips out to her, and she sweatdropped while sending him a sheepish and nervous smile.

"Uh, Choji?" She laughed. "I can't exactly open the bag, 'cause...You know..." The poor boy was so flustered and began apologizing profusely, but she reassured him and took the bag anyways.

With that, she pricked her finger to draw a little blood and slammed it to the ground, summoning a large raven and climbing onto while her friends gaped and Sasuke glared at Shisui.

"See ya, guys!" Hinata was surprisingly the first to snap out of her shock, making sure to raise her voice for once so that her friend could hear her as she flew. 

"By the way!" They heard her yell from the distance. "I accidentally burned your Icha Icha books, Kakashi-Senpai! Sorry!"

Kakashi jaw dropped, and a small and almost nonexistent whimper escaped him as he glared at where she previously was with comical tears running down his face.

"Maki! I'll get you for this!"


"Huh...Wait, Is that Naruto?" Maki gestured for the raven to glide down, just enough for her to see Orochimaru approaching Tsunade to attack. She narrowed her eyes in silent concern and jumped off as soon as she could, falling towards Orochimaru.

A blue ball formed in her right hand as she neared the snake sannin, and just as everyone had seen her, the rasengan collided with Orochimaru with so much force that he was blown back.

Maki let out a moan of pain as she struggled to stand back up. She scanned the area and smiled sheepishly at Jiraiya and the gaping soon to be hokage.

"It's you..." Orochimaru narrowed his eyes at her, walking closer towards her when Jiraiya stepped in front of his path and the two former friends began to battle.

"Rasengan!" She heard Naruto yell, hitting Kabuto and effectively almost making the man pass out. 

It wouldn't be long before Orochimaru retreated and Naruto had passed out, that Maki was prepared to leave.

"Sorry, I was just flying by when I saw you guys- and girls- getting attacked by Orochimaru, so I thought I'd help and I hope I did because-"

"Maki, you're rambling."

"Oh, Sorry." Jiraiya shook his head and ruffled her hair, telling her she could go and that he would tell Naruto she said hello. Though, before she left Maki walked towards Tsunade and placed a hand on the womans shoulder.

Jiraiya panicked when Tsunades form was covered by nine tails chakra, thinking it was harming her when in fact it was the exact opposite. 

Tsunade looked at her in bewilderment as she walked away with a kind smile, pressing a kiss to Narutos forehead before getting on her raven.

Later, the fifth hokage would learn exactly who the girl was and was even more surprised that she'd left a note for her in her desk.

'-Sakura Haruno is gifted with chakra control. I suggest taking her as your apprentice.' 

The Senju allowed a small smile to slip onto her face.

"I see...So it's true what they say. You never stop caring for others." She proceeded to call down an anbu.

"Bring me Sakura Haruno. ASAP."


"Yo, petalless floweeer!" Maki waved at Bee, a bright smile on her face. 

"Yo, seven legged Octopus!"

Darui sighed as the two gave each other fist bumps, and he had to wonder why lord raikage had sent him of all people to watch over the two. Sure, two Master bee's was disastrous but it was never dull.

"Time for 'yo training with the best bee around, you wont ever hit the ground with 'ma fist 'helpin 'ya out!"

"Right!" As a response to his decent rapping (at least in Makis opinion, but by Daruis expression it really was probably terrible. 

"Thank you for taking me as your student, yo!"

Thus began Maki's two and a half year training.

I'm rlly liking this.

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