Chapter 13

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Xander Pov

"Sophie, I secured the deal. My first million dollar deal."

Wrapping her hands around my neck she gave me a peck on my lips. Her eyes. I could see it in her eyes. She was more happy than I was. More proud than my parents could ever be. Her eyes shone with excitement. Her smile could light the new moon sky.

"I knew you could do that. I was confident. And I am so proud of you. You deserve the world Xander. I love you so much."

She made me feel loved. Without any physical intimacy she touched the deepest corners of my heart. Her eyes so sincere. It always made me wonder, how did I get so lucky?

"Where do you want to go? Should we go to some fancy restaurant."

She scruched her nose. I knew my Sophie. Rather than going to some fancy restaurant she would rather get a takeout, cuddle with me and talk about anything and everything.

"I knew my baby will not like going to a restaurant so I have already planned something for you."

"And what's that, Xander."

"Go change into something comfy and then lets head out. Its a surprise darling."

I knew Sophie did not like surprises. And that was even more fun.

After wearing her favourite spongebob t-shirt and shorts my baby came with biggest smile on her face. And the best thing was when she smiled her eyes shone.

"I am ready, Xandy."

She calls me anything she wishes to call me.

I had already changed into sweatpants and t-shirt so we headed out.

Seeing the place I had planned for tonight she just jumped into my arms with her legs around my waist, hands around my neck and eyes up in the sky.

"Xander, this is so beautiful. When did you plan this?"

I had taken her to a camping site where they had a clear night sky. I knew she loved star grazing as much as she loves me.

"Well, did you like it?"

"Like? I absolutely love it. Thank you."

I could see her getting overwhelmed. This was her. Things which donot even count for other population could make Sophie cry tears of happiness. She looks for happiness in simplest of things and not extravagence. She values emotions than money.

As we lay down on the mat just in each other arms talking about dofferent constellations, I felt complete. The only thing I wanted was to make the woman lying besides me happy. Her love was my driving force. Whatever I have achieved is because she never lost faith in me. Even when I gave up on myself, she never did.

And while talking about relationships she said something which she did follow till the time she was with me.

"For me, Trust comes before Love. I started trusting you way before I started loving you. Our relationship is built on trust and respect. No matter what I will always trust you and always stay by your side. I will stand by you till the end, even if the world is against you. I will always listen to you rather than listening to anyone else. Because for me you are the only person whose opinion matters. Even if the entire world is against me and you believe me I will be fine. But if you turn your back on me, I will be shattered Xander. I won't be able to live."

I could see unshed tears in her eyes. I knew what she has said had a much deeper meaning. She wanted me to be by her side always. Not to leave her hand even in the most difficult situation. And I was ready to fight the world for her.

"Baby, I will be by your side always. I love you Sophie. And no matter what I will always believe you. You will never be alone."

"I was looking into who sent you the photographs. Apparently it was Shelly. The one you had a scandal with."

"What? That woman is going to pay. I will not let her live. I will make her question her own existence."

"Xander, how could you do this? Even when there was a picture of you supposedly kissing her, your wife trusted you. Unlike you she didn't jump to conclusions."

And the answer to that was. I was insecure. I always had a question at the back of my mind that why will someone as awesome as Sophie be with someone like me. Why did she love me so much?

In finding selfishness in her selfless love I lost her.

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