Chapter 6

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Sophie pov

I tried keeping my emotions in check. All I wanted to do was cry my eyes out. But I couldn't. I couldn't even say anything. I so desperately wanted to shout at him but I couldn't. Because no matter how much I was hurting I couldn't bring myself to hurt him.

"Thomas, how is Clara and Stephen?"

While asking I him I kept chanting in my head.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

You are strong.

You are strong.

You are strong.

"They are good Sophie. Both of them misses you a lot. Stephen wanted to go out for ice cream with his favourite aunt."

And for a second I lost. I could not pretend to be strong. It wasn't just Xander I was divorcing but also all the people associated with him. I will never be able to take Stephen for ice cream. Or talk to Clara and go shopping with her. I don't think I will be able to face Xander after the divorce. I had already planned on going far away from him.

I had to end it now.

"I miss them too. Tell them that I really love them. And as for the alimony I want nothing, I make enough for myself. Now Thomas can we please get this over with?"

Thomas looked at him as if giving him time to recosider his decisions but Thomas didn't know that there was no use now.

"Sophie, I donot have time for your games. Whatever manipulation you are trying to use is not going to work on me. So take whatever fuck you want and never show me your face again."

My heart broke again if it even was possible. I thought the pain couldn't get worse but it intensified ten folds. I felt like he was squeezing and crushing my heart. He didn't even want to see my face again. Why is it so difficult to stop loving someone? But then again how did he do it? Did he never love me?

I looked at Thomas and gave him a big smile. I didn't want to be vulnerable in front of Xander. I didn't want him to see me weak. I was on the verge of collapsing. It was getting difficult for me to breathe. But I couldn't cry.

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to say so much to a person but couldn't bring yourself to do that? Because no matter what you love them more than there mistakes, you can't hurt them no matter how much you want to?
That helplessness is beautiful. It makes you a human.

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