Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Tomas Mark Riverrun Junior!" I yelled as my 9-month-old, the size of a 1-year-old, ran away from me butt naked. I had been attempting to change his nappy, and he took the chance to make a run for it while I was getting his new nappy. 

"Got you, little tike," I heard Mark say, and he returned my cheeky little boy to me. Mark had become my rock and the primary father figure to TJ. We called him TJ because he was Tomas Junior. Mark, as promised, went to every doctor's appointment and scan; he was there when I found out I was having a boy, and he was there when I gave birth. 

Nine months ago

I woke up with a jolt as pain lanced through me. I sat up and looked down to see that I had wet myself. I groaned as I got out of bed, but the air didn't smell like I had wet myself, and that's when another lance of pain shot through me. My water had just broken. I wasn't surprised; I was overdue by the human equivalent of a week. 

"Okay, okay," I breathed out as I reached across my nightstand for my phone. I had been able to sleep alone for the past month now. However, I had Mark on speed dial, so I clicked the number and called him. 

"Selene? What is it?" He asked sleepily. 

"My water broke," I said as another contraction hit me. "My contractions are coming fast," 

"I'm coming; get ready," He hung up then, and I hobbled my way over to my wardrobe to change into a new nightie and pull out my wheelie bag. I rested my hands on the chest of draws and breathed in and out. My bedroom door opened, and a tired, dishevelled-looking Mark and Ester entered. 

"I'm here!" He yelled as he came running over to me. 

"Thank you!" Mark and Ester each dragged a hand before leading me out of the bedroom, down the stairs and over to the front door. "Have you called the doctor?" I asked Mark.

"I have," Ester told me, and I smiled at her. 

They led me out of the packhouse and to the hospital. The doctor was waiting for me; he had a stretcher, nurses and supplies waiting for me. Mark helped get me on the stretcher, which was also a bed, and another contraction hit me, causing my back to arch. Ester stayed behind in the waiting room as Mark went in with me. 

"Come on, Selene, one more," Mark coached me as I pulled my body to my knees and pushed. I felt a hand on my shoulder from Mark and another ice-cold feeling going down my other arm, which I ignored. I tried for 10 seconds and then felt this tug before my child was placed on blankets on my chest. The baby was covered in goo, blood, and when rubbed on the back with a blanket, it screamed. 

"It's a boy!" The nurse yelled, and I held on to the baby on my chest. 

"I did it, Tomas," I whispered. Mark kissed my forehead, and the baby boy was taken away to get cleaned up.

"What will you name him?" Mark asked as we sat in the bedroom after the baby and I had been cleaned up. The little boy was wrapped up tight in blankets and clothes. He was asleep with a cute little hat on. 

"Tomas," I said. "Tomas Mark Riverrun Junior."

"You're naming him after me?" 

"Yes," I said as I looked up from the baby to Mark. "You've been a tremendous help these last few weeks. I couldn't have done as much as I did without you." 

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