Chapter Nine

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"You are not trying hard enough!" Alpha Tyler admonished me for what felt like the 10th time this morning. He had been trying too hard to get me to remember my past lives, but there was some mental block on my mind. It was probably my fear of the past keeping it up, and I could see it causing this, but something in me was just not ready to bring down my anxiety. 

"I heard you the first time!" I quipped back, annoyed at myself and Alpha Tyler for his admonishments. 

"Why are you so scared to remember the past?" 

"Maybe because of the pain, the loss and the heartache?" 

"If you want to ensure that what happened last week does not happen again, you must remember!" I sighed at Alpha Tyler and sat down in my office chair. I felt downtrodden, pushed to my limits and frightened. I was worried about my past lives repeating themselves and also last week.

"I know you are right, but remembering them brings me pain, loss and heartache."

"Sometimes remembering pain makes you stronger."

"How do you work that out?" I asked as I looked across the desk at Alpha Tyler. The older man looked at me, age and wisdom shining through his eyes, and he smiled at me, displaying slightly yellowing teeth. This man had now known for two of my lives, and I knew he had my best interests at heart. He was trying to protect me in this life because he saw me die in my past one. 

"You can learn from the past and protect yourself in this lifetime." I could see the concern and worry in his eyes and hear it in his voice. He cared for me. 

"Well, what do you suggest?" I asked, exasperated at the situation and the way things were going. 

"Well, have you ever considered hypnosis?" 


"Yeah, we could try hypnotizing you so that you can remember your past lives." 


"Okay, I want you to take a deep breath and close your eyes." The witch said to me. She was about my age with long brown hair that came down to his waist. She was in a long, flowing blue dress and had bangles on her arms. She had long, crystal earrings in her earlobes. 

I looked over at Alpha Tyler, sitting on the sofa on the other side of the room, and he nodded at me. I sighed as I looked back over at the witch, who gave me a soft, reassuring smile. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. 

"Now, I want you to focus on my voice." The witch said, and I tried to focus on her voice rather than any other sounds. "Good, now breathe out and breathe in for 5 seconds." I did as she asked. "Good; now we will go back to the start." I felt her touch my forehead, and then, like a ripple in the water, the darkness from my closed eyes changed, and suddenly I was back in time. 

The smells of cooking meat over an open mixed with burning wood hit my nostrils. I could smell fresh hay, manure and livestock. I heard children laughing and running around, men talking, and woman nattering. I left the sun on my face, and a gentle breeze lifted my hair. 

"Selene!" I heard a man call me, and my stomach dropped into my ass. It was my brother's voice, and when I opened my eyes, I saw him running towards me. He had a massive smile and wore a beige shirt, trousers and boots with a leather belt around his waist. I was back where it all began in medieval times. 

The houses were made of mud and straw. The roads were just mud, dirt and rocks. There were wooden pens for the animals and clay pots with water. Little girls ran around with matted hair, long dresses and clay figurines. Horses were being guided through the town streets with carts attached to them. 

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