This is a bonus and announcement

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Hello to you reader this is the author. Thanks for reading the story i know i made some mistakes on grammar and ended it fast.

For my next work will be toning down some ecchi stuff only fanservice and once again thanks for reading this novel imma make the comic of my next project this novel will not having a comic adaptation due to many ecchi stuff but dont you worry the next work will be having uncensored no more light so don't you worry for censoring the next project only for readers ages 15-18 so see you next time peeps the next story proj is Wandering God of death and life.


    Geo Maya was a successful business man in the philippines on year 2025. in this year the president is the son of the greatest president that many people who's jealous on his power..

This year many left over project of the old president make on his day finally been working and the bataan nuclear powerplant has been restore to it's best condition and update the tools and equipment that made the people of the philippines rich on electricity.

(this story only not a premonition just a only a theory so rest assured.. i hope my vote for the president of the phil. will wake up the brainwash and wake from the slumber and make the right choice for the philippines future..)

Maya geo life is ending and have a memory of being a god that control the life and death.

(read the latest chp on my works in wattpad soon will be on webcomicsph.)

Life of unknown But Become god in another world  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now