❆Second Chance (04)

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~L I L Y~

I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST ASKED JACKSON TO HANG OUT WITH ME. It has only been a few days since I started working here and I am already asking Jackson to hang out.

"We should hang out sometime and catch up. I don't think I have ever seen someone glow up the way you did."

It's been years since I last rejected him because of his high school status and I have no idea if asking him to hang out is reasonable.

The look of pure awe on his face already has me wishing I had a time machine. That way, I can go back to our high school days and say yes. Yes to when he first asked me out and yes to when he last asked me out. But there wouldn't be a last if I just say yes the first time.

I feel so awful for asking him to hang out when I should have said yes years ago. He presumably thinks I'm a fraud and that I just want to hang out because he is no longer hanging with those cheerleading girls or no longer staring at girls' booties when they model pass him.

"Uhr. . ." He trails, his face morphing into a huge grin before he starts tugging at his hair. "Really, you want to hang out with me?" He asks, concealing how pleased he actually is, or I think he is.

It's just that, he has been behaving so casually and carefree lately. I'm liking it, trust me but I have a bad feeling this is just an act to hide how he is truly feeling, especially with his dad. Why do I always let my brain do my speaking? My damn foolish brain and foolish mouth that can't stay shut sometimes.

"Well, yes." I'm surprised my voice doesn't crack. "I mean, it has been too long and we haven't even been in contact all those years."

Even though we never hung out.

"Well, duh." He says in a girly manner and chuckles, "you rejected me. But it's okay, we can totally like hang out." I laugh at his try at sounding like a girl.

I try to hide how timid I am because he just told me in a 'duh' tone that I was the one who rejected him. I feel so nasty but I had a really good defense. Back then, I didn't want to get heartbroken. It should be understandable. This is definitely not me saying that I will not get it broken just because most of the guys these days have matured.

No longer breathing on girls. I even saw Austin Palmer, the same guy who tried too hard to get my best friend, Alexis into his bed. But she wasn't understanding all of that because well, you already know why.

We were just so innocent. We still are, nothing changed.

"Your girl impersonation needs a lot of work!" Someone from behind me confirms and I nod. When I take a glance at the guy, Austin is standing there with a grin and his hands shoved in his jean pockets.

Jack scowls at him, "it doesn't, it's faultlessly fine."

I shake my head no with a laugh, indicating I disagree. A few more minutes pass in which Austin and Jackson compete against each other to see who has the best girl impersonation. Austin won because Jackson's voice is a lot more deeper than his. I like it though, it's so velvety.

Gee, Lily, calm down.

I am totally calmed. No need to worry about me.

"So, you guys are a couple?" I ask after some time of silence as we start categorizing the bookshops.

As the clock tik, it gets colder by the second and I'm so pleased I brought an additional coat. I mean, what would Mia think if she knew I am walking around with one coat and it's fricking freezing.

Second Chance | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें