❆Second Chance (03)

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~J A C K S O N~

WHEN WE GET INSIDE THE HOUSE, James greets his girlfriend with a kiss on the forehead and a warm hug. Linda smiles contently as she takes her scarf off and I do the same. This house is cozy, It's great for winter.

When James catches a glimpse of me, he glances down at his girlfriend. "You seriously brought another man home?" He questions, his voice laced with bitterness.

"Look at him, he's handsome!" Linda protests, rolling her eyes.

He strides up to me in three large steps and when he is at least a foot away from me, he looms over me, pressing his chest out to make himself seem courageous. With a snarl, he looks me up and down.

I bite back a grin.

"What are you doing with my future wife, mister?" He issues, his eyes are murky.

"Oh, you do not want to know the things I've already done, mister," I retort, scowling at him.

He shoves me back and the next thing you know, we are combatting like two teenagers battling over a girl to take to prom. "Alright, play times over boys!" I hear Linda yell and the smell of fresh hot chocolate attains my senses.

It probably does for James as well as we both stand upright, grinning like two dogs waiting for treats. Linda laughs, handing us each a mug with hot chocolate and extra baby marshmallows.

"Thank you so much!" I take a gulp, shutting my eyes with a groan. "Damn, James, give me your girlfriend. Mine can't make this amazing hot chocolate."

"I'm just here you know," I hear Austin yell from the hallway just when I hear the toilet flush.

Linda and I both glance at James, awaiting an answer. "What? He said he needed a new game partner, I was available!" James protests, shrugging.

I dramatically gasp, holding a hand over my heart. "You're cheating on me, A? After seven years of marriage, you're cheating on me?"

"I thought you just said I was your girlfriend and not your wife?" He hoists a brow, stepping closer to us.

"Awe, you remember!" I squeal, holding back a laugh.

Austin growls, rolling his eyes. "You're fucked up, man!"

"Language!" Linda exclaims, the place going entirely quiet.

"Sorry," Austin murmurs, smiling sheepishly.

With a sigh, she smiles. "Good! Now, how about a nice cup of hot chocolate and binge eat my Christmas cookies!"


The next day, Austin is touching all kinds of things in my car as I navigate to the bookstore. He said something about today being his day off which I found weird because aren't all lawyers presumed to be at their office literally twenty-four-seven?

Well, except if your client cannot make it and you have the day off? No, when you don't go to work, you go over the case thing that has been set up. Try to find out what the person is guilty of or whatever lawyers do, right?

Law and judges have never been my powerful suit. I never liked being in court trying to save another's life from being sentenced to prison for possibly an eternity. I know nothing about these kinds of stuff.

"Stop touching TJ!" I yell at Austin as he flees his hand from touching anything else.

"I thought I told you to stop calling your car that," he grumbles.

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