Twenty Six

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*Alex's POV*

"Come on, Alex! Refresh faster," begged Lindsay, as my finger rapidly clicked away.

"I'm going as fast as I can, so stop breathing down my neck!" I complained. Lindsay and I sat in her girl cave waiting for our college offers. The clock seemed glued on 7:59am as we waited for the hour to clock over. The tension was thick as we were both incredibly impatient and annoyed.

The door opened and Jessica walked in. 

"Do you guys want anything?" She asked from the doorway.

"NO!" We both yelled in unison. Jess retreated from the room to safety, and my eyes watched as the clock ticked over to the next minute. I refreshed the screen one last time for our school list to appear. Lindsay hurriedly pushed me aside and located her name, logging into the system. The room was silent, the only noise being generated from her scrolling and the clicking of the mouse. 

I held a breath, waiting for her to view her results. 

She squealed and jumped up in the air.

"I got accepted into Penn State!" She yelled, squeezing me in a tight hug. "Now you check yours!"

I logged in and scrolled towards the designated section to read. I was hoping for one of my top preferences. Lindsay got her second preference of Penn State, NYU being her top choice, and third being UCLA. I was hoping for UCLA, trying tirelessly over the years to keep my scores up to reach their acceptance regulations. Then, matching Lindsay's second preference, I chose Penn State, followed by NYU. 

I covered my eyes with my hands, scared to even look at my results. 

"I can't look."

"Oh for fucks sake," Lindsay mumbled, pushing me out of the way. I heard her tapping away as she leaned over me.

"Oh my god!" 

"What?" I asked nervously, "Is it bad?"

"No, Alex. You got your top pick. You got into UCLA!"

My eyes flew open and I looked at Lindsay.

"I got in?" I asked.

"You got in!" She verified. I launched out of my seat and we started jumping and screaming. 

"Stand back, I've got a weapon!" yelled Jessica as she ran into the room with a saucepan handled above her head. She saw our excited selves and lowered the pan. 

"Why are you screaming? It sounded like someone was dying!" She lectured, worry obvious on her features. 

"Sorry," I replied, calming myself down.

"Well, how did you go?" She asked us both.

"I got into Penn State and Alex got her first preference!" Lindsay screeched, wrapping her arms around her mom in a tight hug. 

"Congratulations. What was your preference again, Alex?" Jess asked me.

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked down, coming to a realisation. 

"UCLA," I answered.


I watched the obvious disappointment flash over her face before it was masked with a smile. 

"C'mon Alex, we are meeting the others to talk about our results. We have to go," Lindsay interrupted. 

"Okay. Lets go," I said, my mood slightly deflating. 

I followed Lindsay out of the room, linking hands with Jessica and giving it a reassuring squeeze, before departing. 


We returned back to Lindsay's house, slightly before dinner, and Jessica was nowhere to be seen.

I whipped us up some stir-fry, making enough so that there was leftovers for Jessica. It hit 9pm and Jess still hadn't arrived home, and I was starting to worry. Lindsay had already gone to bed, after waking up at 3 in the morning full of excitement for our results. I laid on the couch, looking up at the roof and begging for Jess to get back so we could talk. 

I opened up my phone and shot Jess a quick message, checking if she was okay. I watched the message, waiting for the little "SEEN" icon to appear. After ten minutes I gave up, throwing the phone onto the ground and closing my eyes. 

After what felt like seconds, I was awoken by the sound of keys turning in the lock of the front door. I sat up and observed as Jess stumbled in, holding the wall for support. She missed the step inside and went tumbling to the ground.

I rushed to her side and helped her up, the smell of alcohol evident on her breath.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Jess said, shrugging me off, "I just got a little light headed. I need some water."

I fetched her a water and we sat on the couch. She sat on the opposite end and I tried getting her attention.


"Jessica," I repeated, as she continued to ignore me.

"Fine, if you aren't going to talk then I'll say what I'm thinking. I am taking UCLA's offer. I have tried so hard to get it, and after all the stuff with my family recently I just need to start fresh."

Jessica still continued to ignore me, but I could tell she was listening.

I continued, "I care about you a lot, Jess. I want you. I want us. But I don't know how that will work with me in Los Angeles and you here in New York. 

"I don't want you to go," she whispered.

"I have to go, Jess. We've only been dating for about a month now, and even though the past month has been one of the best in my life, I have to try and accomplish my dream while I have the chance," I replied.

I started to get frustrated and said, "Honestly, it's kind of selfish of you to want me to stay. This is my dream. It is not your decisio-"

"I am not being selfish," Jess defended.

"Then what?" I questioned, "What reason do you hav-"

"I LOVE YOU!" Jessica screamed, laying on her back on the couch.

I sat glued to the opposite end of the couch, shock pulsating through my body. 

I knelt down on the ground beside the couch and rubbed my thumb over her cheek. 

"I love you too," I whispered, planting a soft kiss on her lips before she was out like a light. 

Thank you for reading!

Again, sorry for the delayed update. Life has been hectic, and I tried to upload as quick as possible. I hope you all are safe and well, dealing with this pandemic in a way that keeps everybody out of harms way. 

Vote, comment, continue reading.

Stay Safe xx

- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now