Twenty Three

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*Alex's POV*

"You're extremely lucky that she doesn't remember what happened!" Jessica yelled at me.

We had just gotten word that Nancy had suffered a brain bleed and was unable to remember the incident.

Although on my part, that was great news, that was not the reason I was at Jessica's house with her, alone, on a Friday evening.

I had patiently, yet eagerly, rushed through school and an awkwardly quiet dinner in order to tell Jessica that Lindsay knew about our relationship.

I don't even know if you could call what we had a 'relationship', but it felt like one to me. Jessica and I sat on the sofa and had random conversations for a little while until we knew Lindsay had left the house. It was too much for me to hold in, so I just blurted it out--

"Lindsay knows about us!"

Jess looked at me wide-eyed, like a statue, frozen in time. My impatience got the better of me, and I started waving my hands in front of her face like a madwoman.

"Hello? Did you hear me?" I shouted. Jessica stayed frozen, yet her eyes found mine. Her eyes scared me. They held so many different emotions, and I knew most of them were not good. She was horrified, shocked, feeling guilty. I wanted to make her feel better.

So, I slowly placed my lips over hers and kissed her as softly as possible, trying to show my feelings through my affection. Her lips moved with mine for a short while until she pulled her face away from my own, harshly. However, I could not be angry at her. She had a daughter to think about, and I, a best friend. All my heart held was sadness. 

The type of sadness which rips out all hope and energy within, and replaces it with a deep, empty void. Layers upon layers of unsettling emotion flooded throughout my body, threatening to expel an endless supply of bitter, galling tears from my tear ducts.

Instead, I remained strong, and held Jessica as she held me. We were wrapped in each other's arms, and no words were spoken. None needed to be. We knew that some words were better left unsaid. I wasn't going to cause her relationship with her daughter to cave in, and she didn't want me to lose my only true friend. Those unsaid words held a silent agreement. We would ignore these feelings, any and all urges, and remain friends. We had to. Our relationships with Lindsay depended on it.


My eyelids remained closed, yet I laid awake. Jessica's grip on me had not loosened as I laid in her warmth. I tried to snuggle as close to her body as I could get, waking her up in the process.

Suddenly, my mind seemed to switch on, and I saw the television was on. I tried to recall turning it on at all last night, but failed to do so. I heard the rustle of a crisps bag and raised my head. There lounged Lindsay, eating crisps in the recliner chair, a mere foot beside the couch that her Mom and I laid on.

She turned her head towards me, then back towards the TV, seemingly not fazed.

Maybe she didn't see her Mom next to me?

I removed the thought from my mind based on the stupidity. We were literally lying within arms reach of Lindsay, so there was no conceivable way that she hadn't seen Jessica. Yet, she seemed unperturbed.

I sat up slowly and straightened out my wrinkled shirt.

"H-hey Lindsay-y," I stuttered, my heart feeling like it would beat out of my chest at any moment.

At the mention of Lindsay's name, Jessica sat up so fast that I would have been thrown off the couch if I hadn't anticipated it.

We all sat there in silence, with Lindsay's eyes still trained on the television, until I decided to speak up.

"Linds, I'm so sorry you saw us like that. The truth is... we've been flirting for the last couple of months, but I promise you, nothing has happened between us. I mean... we haven't done it or anything. We both don't want to hurt you Lindsay, so we decided that whatever we were doing isn't worth losing your love, respect, and trust," I ranted, then we were plunged back into silence.

The only shred of evidence that Lindsay had actually listened to what I said was the slight murmur that escaped her mouth, matched with the small nod of her head.

"Please say something..." Jessica begged from beside me.

It was quiet for a few seconds after, the only sound being the dull echo of the television show.

We were certain that Lindsay was just going to ignore us until she said, as casual as ever, "I already knew about you guys."

Both Jessica's and my own face must have held pure shock and confusion as we tried to comprehend what Lindsay had told us.

Before we could respond or ask any questions, she continued speaking.

"I had an inkling about a month ago, and it kinda progressed from there."

I was baffled, unsure of why she wasn't kicking and screaming at us, calling us "disgusting" and all that.

"So you're not mad?" I asked, shyly.

"I'm not mad... but I'm not exactly happy. I don't give two fucks if you guys are fucking, but what really pissed me off was the fact that you guys were actively hiding it from me. I get that you couldn't really just start fucking in front of me or something, but Alex, you had so many chances to tell me, and you didn't. It hurt. Do you not trust me?"

"I trust you 100%, Lindsay! I just... you said I couldn't romance your Mom," I replied, sheepishly, as I felt Jessica's eyes boring into the side of my head. 

"Trust me, I'm not very thrilled about that. However, I have taken the past month observing you both and I can confidently say that I haven't seen either of you as joyful as when you are together. You seem to make each other happy, and if you guys being together is making you both radiate happiness... I'll just have to learn to accept that," Lindsay finished, smiling. 

I launched my body at Lindsay and squeezed her so hard that she started wheezing. 

"If you guys get married, there is no fucking way that I'm calling you my step-mom though, Alex!" 

"Woahhhh, we aren't even close to marriage. We haven't even had sex yet!" I yelled.

"Too. Much. Information," Lindsay shouted, covering her ears exaggeratedly. 

I have the best friend in the world.


The remainder of the day consisted of Jessica, Lindsay and I watching a bunch of movies until it was time for dinner. We opted for pizza because, who doesn't like pizza? 

Shortly after we ordered, there was a loud knock at the door, which Jessica went to answer.

"Michael!" We heard Jessica growl. Lindsay's face drained of colour as she walked towards the door, me following close behind her. 

"Michael?" I whispered, confused. 

"You know him as Mike," Lindsay mumbled as she reached the door and opened it further--

"My father." 

Thank you for reading!

Sorry for the slow update, I have been incredibly busy and have been trying to make the last half-a-dozen chapters of the book work out perfectly. Big thanks to 50K Views. I couldn't have made it this far without all your guys love and support.

More drama to come!

Vote, comment, continue reading.

- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now