Chapter 48

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It had been two weeks since we lost Chloe. Sam had only come out of his room a handful of times. He would barely eat, even my lasagna and brownies. Liam and I were starting to get very concerned. We spent as much time with him as we could, but we were preparing for the arrival of the Mountain Peak women and children, so it wasn't as much as I would have liked.

I woke up the morning of their arrival, and as much as I wanted to burrow back into Liam's side and go back to sleep, I had shit to do. I pushed off the blankets and stood up, only for Liam to grab me and pull me back.

"Where do you think you're going, my precious girl?" I smiled and kissed his forehead before nuzzling his cheek.

"Shower, breakfast, Sam then go welcome our new members."

"That's today already? Ugh, I've been so worried about Sam I totally forgot." I roll my eyes and smile warmly at him.

"I noticed. I've been picking up your slack, Alpha." His eyes darken and he gives my ass a gentle smack.

"How about I join you in the shower and make up for it?"

"That would be a good start." I smile and take his hand.

After my shower with Liam, I make Sam's breakfast and take it to his room like I've been doing for the past two weeks.

"You don't need to do that, Luna. I can get food myself if I'm hungry." I sigh and walk over to the bed where Sam is laying, staring at the wall.

I reach out and run my fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes, when they open they're wet with tears.

"Scoot over." I tell him and he makes room for me.

I sit next to him on the bed and he rests his head on my belly.

"Talk to me, Sam." He shrugs but doesn't say anything.

"I'm worried about you." I nearly whisper. He looks up at me and nods before laying his head back down.

"I'll get up today." He says.

"The new members from Mountain Peak are coming. Liam and I are going to meet them, maybe you'd like to join us?" I ask hopefully. He nods and sits up next to me.

"Yeah, I should be there." I nod and smile at him.

"Good. But take a shower first. You stink Sammy." He smiles a little and chuckles, the first I've seen out of him in weeks.

"You still love me, though." He says.

"Yeah. I do. You know, Sam, I've never told you this, but I don't think I would have survived my first few months here without you. You're my rock, my best friend. I loved you before I even loved Liam. And even though my love for Liam is different, it's no more than how I feel for you." He leans over to kiss my cheek and gives me a shy smile.

"Thanks, Lily. That means a lot. I love you too."

"I know." I answer cheekily with a bright smile which earns me another chuckle.

Maybe my Sammy will be ok after all.

Liam, Sam and I walk to the packhouse clearing where the new members will be arriving on busses shortly. Kara and Callum join us and it feels so good to have our little family together, even if I still feel a gaping hole where Chloe should be.

We see the busses shuttle in and women with their children begin unloading. We go to join them when Sam grabs my arm.

"Can I just have a minute before I go out there?" Sam asks. I cup his cheek and nod.

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