Chapter 16

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A few days after our visit to the school, I’m sleeping peacefully in my bed when a voice in my head causes me to stir.

'Luna?' It questions. "Luna?!' It says louder and I groan. 'Luna are you there?' I recognize the voice as Dr. Sommers from the pack hospital.

'Dr. Sommers?' I question groggily.

'Yes, Luna. I’m sorry to wake you up, but there’s a situation with a mom in labor. Could you come to the pack hospital? I think she could really use your help.'

'Sure, I’ll be there as quickly as I can.' I respond.

I push myself out of bed and into the closet to dress when I feel around with my spidey senses to see if Liam’s here. I don’t feel him at the house, so I check my alarm clock. It’s one in the morning. Where on earth is he? Well, if he doesn’t feel the need to make me aware of his whereabouts at this God-awful hour, I’ll return the favor.

Luckily the pack hospital is only a few minutes’ walk away from Liam’s house (as I still refer to it even though I know it pisses him off) so I walk quickly. Partly because I want to get to the mama to help as quickly as possible and mainly because it’s fucking creepy out here at night.

I enter the hospital and mind link Dr. Sommers again. ‘What room, Doctor?’

‘Birthing room three.’ She responds.

I find the room quickly as I have become familiar with the pack hospital. It’s the one place I can go that makes me somewhat feel like my old life again. I knock on the door and hear a strained “come in” so I push open the door. On the bed, I see a young woman, maybe mid-twenties with long brown hair, brown eyes and a swollen belly. Her face is taut in a grimace of pain and she’s holding hands with a man also in his mid-twenties with sandy brown hair and hazel eyes who has a look of absolute terror on his face. Dr. Sommers, the older woman with brown hair fading into grey is sitting on a stool in front of the woman’s spread legs wearing a white coat with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows over her navy blue scrubs. The little blue booties covering her shoes are a signal to me that she expects the baby to be born soon.

"Luna!" The mom sounds exhausted, but excited to see me. I give her a reassuring smile and go to her side to hold her hand.

"Hi there. What's your name?"

"Hailey." She answers. I squeeze her hand to give her some encouragement and try to send as many calming waves to her as possible. Her rigid body relaxes a little and she takes a deep breath.

"Well, Hailey. How about we get that pup out of you?"

"Yes, please!" She shouts as another contraction shows on the monitor.

"Don't push yet, Hailey." Dr. Sommers says. I can tell by the monitor that Hailey's heart rate is very high and the baby's heart rate isn't returning to normal after the contraction as quickly as it should.

'What's going on?' I ask Dr. Sommers in the mind link so as not to concern Hailey.

'I'm not sure. The pup was descending well and seemed to be progressing normally and then she stalled. It's possible the baby is in some kind of breech position making it difficult for her to travel down the birth canal.' I nod and look back to Hailey who is drenched in sweat and grimacing in pain.

"And dad, what's your name?"

"Jake." He croaks out with wide eyes, obviously freaked out by the situation.

"Jake! That's our Luna! Show some more respect!" Hailey hisses at him through clenched teeth. I chuckle a little and pat her hand

"It's ok. First time dad I'm guessing?" He nods and looks at me with pleading eyes.

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