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Once the lesson was over, Y/n followed Todd and Meeks out of the classroom and into the busy hallway. 

"Sorry for nearly getting you in trouble there" Y/n muttered to them as they walked towards the dining hall for lunch. "I didn't mean to"

"Please don't worry about it. Dr. Shultz is one of those traditionalists. I bet you'll grow on him" He replied with a polite smile. "Do you have a place to sit at lunch?" He inquired.

She shrugged awkwardly. "No...at my old school I usually sat by myself, so I'll probably just do that." She said. 

"Nonsense!" A voice called from behind them, as Charlie Dalton wormed his way between Meeks and y/n, offering his arm. "You're sitting with us. We need another poet at the table to balance out Cameron" He said with a snicker.

She laughed awkwardly, taking his arm gently. "Tell me, Charlie, are you this nice to everyone? Or are you just a flirt?" She asked, grinning teasingly at him

He gasped dramatically. "How dare you insult me in this way! We've only just met!" He said aghast, rescinding his arm, only to hold the door.

Y/n chuckled and followed them to the table they occupied. "Mr. Keating sure is great isn't he?" She said as she took a seat between him and Charlie.

"Yeah, he's the most interesting teacher I've ever had," Neil said, having joined the group. "He's got this knack for poetry and language," 

"In school he had this club" Cameron piped up, determined to have a presence in the group. "Called the Dead Po-"

"SHHHH," Neil said loudly. Everyone at the table had stopped eating to glare up at Cameron. Everyone except Charlie.

"Why can't she know?" Charlie whined, looking back and forth between Neil and Todd.

"Know what?" y/n asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Because," Neil said, ignoring her protests, "She has to prove herself."

"How?" Meeks questioned. 

"Well. We'll see how her first few Keating classes and assignments go. And then we'll assess." Neil said authoritatively.

Mystified, but not bold enough to possibly jeopardize her newfound friendships, y/n stayed quiet, working on her beans and rice as the others around her talked about the classes that day. 

"Whose got study hall next?" Charlie asked as the chairs ground against the floor when the meal was over. 

Everyone except Pitts and Cameron nodded. 

"I'll catch up with you guys later. I want to go to my room, unpack a bit, and work on my poem." y/n said, smiling appreciatively.

They all agreed to catch up later that night, do some studying together, and maybe even write a bit. She waved goodbye and set off towards her dorm.

Nobody Knows This Little Rose - Dead Poets Society x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now