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~ This part is set a week after part one ~

There had been some problems when y/n had tried to transfer from her High School. The Headmaster at Welton had tried to invoke a last-ditch effort to stop her from attending, claiming her credits would not pass over, and that she'd be too far behind to join in with the other 17-year-olds. Her counselor at school had done a fine job smoothing it over though, and now she stepped out of her mother's car, and onto the lawn in front of the historical school. She breathed in the dewey air. The rampant intellect and knowledge were palpable, hanging like a fog over the school.

It was about 11 o'clock in the morning, classes were probably in session. Her father was up signing some paperwork in the Headmaster's office, and she was left alone to find her dorm room. Although situated within the same building as the other students, she would have a room to herself. Second floor, room 23. She pulled out her bookbag, slinging it over her shoulder, and pulled the heavy trunk deftly out of the backseat. She took another deep breath, and tilting her chin up she started towards the building. She met no one as she climbed the steps, and eventually stood outside of her room. Pushing the door open, she stepped inside.

She let out a gasp of relief. It seemed simple, but for her it meant everything. The little rickety cot against the wall, the desk by the window overlooking the school grounds. She had worked so hard to get here. So hard to be accepted. And now she was here, she could finally prove herself. Challenge herself. It made her want to burst into song... but that wouldn't be practical, now would it?

Her father and a teacher whom she didn't recognize showed up a few minutes later. Her father quickly hugged her, wished her luck, and promptly left. She didn't mind the sudden goodbye. She preferred her own company anyway. That left her with the teacher. 

"Hello Miss y/l/n," He said kindly, shaking her hand. "I'm Dr. Hager, I'm going to be your mathematics teacher this year. You are taking Trigonometry, correct?" He asked. 

Y/n nodded. "Yes sir, I completed Calculus last year," She told him, her tone respectful. 

"Very good, very good" he replied. "Well now, this is your schedule" He handed a slip of paper with her class list on it. "You'll see, you are supposed to be in English now. If you'd like, I can walk you to the room, or if you'd prefer, you can spend some time unpacking your belongings" He said. 

"Oh no sir, I'd like to go to class," she said eagerly, leaning forward on the balls of her feet. She pulled her book bag back over her shoulder. 

"Very well," He said, his eyes twinkling slightly as he opened the door for her. 

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