New home |Part 2|

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Bryan's POV
Molten then got off of me. "Yay!" Baby said. "This isn't the store..." Lefty announced. I giggled. "No, it's not. It's my house." I said. "Why are we here?" Lefty asked. I then explained to them what happened. "W-Wait, fired?!" Baby asked. I noticed that Lefty wasn't saying anything. Molten called Lefty's name, but Lefty didn't say anything still. "C-Can I be excused?" Lefty asked. "Sure?" Lefty then left. "I hope he'll be okay..." Baby said. I nodded. Molten then told us that he might know why Lefty's like this. "Please explain." I said. Molten then explained to us why Lefty wasn't too happy. "It wasn't his fault, though!" I said. Baby then ran off, probably to find Lefty.

Baby's POV
I heard someone talking, so I went over. "I failed! I f*cking failed!" I heard Lefty say. "Lefty?" I asked. 'H-Huh?" Lefty looked at me and wiped away his tears. "W-What are you doing here?" Lefty asked, fake smiling. I then hugged him. "Stop faking it, you idiot!" I said. Lefty then hugged me, and he cried. I was crying as well. •I'm sorry.• Lefty whispered. "Don't be sorry!" I told him. "M-Maybe if I ever existed, this never would've happened..." Lefty said, doubting himself. "It's nobody's fault!" I reassured him. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH!" Lefty yelled, immediately shutting up. I then flinched. Lefty then got up, and he started backing up. "I'm sorry I didn't-." Lefty ran off into the woods. "Lefty!" I had tried going after him, but I lost sight of him. I then went out of the woods so that I wouldn't get lost.

Lefty's POV
I had finally stopped running. "What am I doing?" I asked myself. "Yeah, Lefty, what ARE you doing?" Molten asked. I was about to run off when Molten grabbed my hand. "Please, don't run. It isn't your fault, so stop blaming yourself. Please, for me- for everyone... for Blaine(Lefty's old owner)." Molten said. "I can't... I just can't..." I replied. "Why Lefty? Nobody's to blame for anything that's happened." Molten asked. I stayed silent. "Lefty, we've been through this multiple times..." Molten said. "I know..." I replied. "Then stop blaming yourself!" Molten said. "I can't! I can't forget what I've done, Molten!" I replied. "It's alright, though!" Molten said. "I want to forget, I do... but I can't..." I replied. Molten then frowned. "Please don't blame yourself." Molten said. "I-I'll try." I replied. "Thank you." Molten said. I then laid my head on Molten's chest and fell asleep.

Molten's POV
I then sighed. I heard Bryan walk over. "How is he?" Bryan asked. "He fell asleep." I answered. "C'mon, let's go." Bryan said. The sky started making sounds (thunder). "We better hurry." Bryan said. I nodded and hurried along.

[They got inside, and it started pouring raining]

"Made it just in time, didn't we?" Bryan asked. I nodded. "Come come, problematic child. Let me show you Lefty's room." Bryan said. "I- hey!" I replied. Bryan rolled his eyes playfully. "Come come." Bryan said. I then followed him to Lefty's room, which looked precisely like Lefty's colors. "This fits him." I said. "Just lay him on the bed." Bryan said. "Alright." I then laid him on the bed. "What now?" I asked. "I don't know, cuddle?" Bryan suggested. "Sure." I said. Bryan smiled and took me to his room. Bryan then sat on his bed. I smiled and got on his bed. I then cuddled up to him. I then laid my head on Bryan's lap. Bryan pet me. I then purred. Bryan chucked, and he continued to rub me. I noticed that Bryan had fallen asleep. I soon fell asleep after him.

Third-person POV
Bryan started to sleep talk. "I... love... you... Molten..." Bryan slept talked. Molten then had cuddled Bryan slightly harder. Bryan had nestled back, but not as hard.

[The next Day]

Bryan's POV
When I woke up, I couldn't feel my shoulders down. "Bryyy!" I heard baby say. "Yes?" I say, moving my head to see her. "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded. "Apart from being numb from shoulders down, yes, I'm okay." I said, being sarcastic. "Are you being sarcastic?" Baby asked. "Maybe." I answered. "Bryannnn!" She pouted. "I'd love to get up, but PROBLEM CHILD won't get off!" I said. "Hmph!" Molten replied. "Molten, get up." I said. "What do I get in return?" Molten asked. "Cold oil." I replied. Molten immediately got up. "Deal." Molten said. Baby giggled. I then tried to move. "Is this what it's like to be crushed by Molten?" I asked. "Hey!" Molten replied. "Well-." Baby started before she was interrupted. "You-." I then covered Molten's mouth. "No." I said. Baby asked me what Molten was going to say. Ballora then called her. "Coming, mom!" Baby yelled, running downstairs. I then uncovered Molten's mouth. "Don't swear around, baby, or you're grounded." I said. "What, why?!" Molten asked. "You were going to swear at baby." I said. "So? She has heard them before." Molten said. "Still." I said. "Sorry." Molten apologized. "I accept your apology... problematic child 2.0." I replied. "I'm no problem child!" Molten said. I then laughed. "I'm just messing with you." I said.

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