Chapter 16 Naruto's Keke... Part- 1

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A/n: What's up Guys; I hope you guys enjoy this Chapter.

Like always Naruto Fact, Today's Naruto Facts is: The legendary Sannin Jiraya, Tsunade, Orochimaru graduated from the Ninja Academy at Six/6 years old.

The last time we left of: 

"Time pause Jutsu" Layaan_ the Author shouted as the time stop.


"Mr. Ninja save my child, please" A woman with brown hair pleaded with a person who looked to be in his mid-20s.


The man, as the women put it, just turned around and shot him a stare. "Just shut up you bi**h," the man said as he snatched the infant from the women's arms. As the infant faded from existence, a white square emerged around it. The man laughed hysterically. The laughing was heard by a neighboring adolescent dressed in robes. As the man's face was hidden by the fabric, he materialized directly in front of him, revealing himself to be Naruto.

Naruo carefully examined his surroundings, noticing damaged furniture, fragments of broken glass, blood-stained flooring, and seals. The lifeless bodies of the man's victims. "Who are you?" asked Naruto. As he grew more anticipatory of the adolescent, he realized Naruto was none other than the fabled Shadow Monarch. "If that isn't the fabled shadow monarch, Nice to see you," the guy grinned.

Naruto's blue eyes scanned more and found the body of a woman who looks to be broken. The woman was not dead, no the woman's eyes show no emotion like she has no purpose. It seems like the women wanted to die. Naruto was not paying attention to the man in front of him until his eye caught the man "Is this your work," Naruto asked sternly. "Did you say something?" The man said. from the man's tone, it was clear that the man heard him. And it was clear this was the man's workings.

Naruto sees that the man standing in front of him is a nasty guy. "Stranger, please avenge my kid," the woman practically begged. Naruto was silent for a few moments before mumbling "Fine." This brought a smile to the woman's face before she died of a broken heart. Naruto asked, "Who are you?" "Aah, you don't know who I am," the man said, "Then I'll tell you my name is Baisu." Naruto pondered, "Where have I heard that name before?"

Baisu had brown eyes and wavy ginger hair. His skin was light, and he had an egg-shaped head. He had a good amount of muscle mass. He is dressed in blue pants and a white T-shirt. On his feet, the white sneakers gleamed.

"Why would you do such a thing Baisu?"Naruto asked angrily. "Isn't it obvious I am bored, Just kidding very very......boring" Baisu answered. "So you all of this, because you are 'very' bored" Naruto, yelled angrily. "So what are you going to do, Are you going to be some kind of hero, you are so naive, we are ninja, We steal, We kill, We bet-" Baisu said amused. "Shut up I know a job shinobi, without knowing that how can I be S-rank," Naruto said cutting off Baisu's rambling.

Naruto seeing nothing more to talk about. He rushes towards the man intending to killing Baisu with his dagger. But to the blond's surprise, Baisu blocked the assault with his own sword. For 5 minutes, they engaged in a sword duel. the sword duel had generated a spark that had blanketed the entire area. Baisu, knowing that this was not going to end well, sprang back and stowed his blade. Baisu yelled, "FIRE RELEASE; FIREBALL JUTSU!" as the scorching fire was directed toward Naruto, who made a simple hand-sign, exploding chakra from his body and scattering the JUTSU.

"It is possible for the FireBall to melt Iron, and how did he manage to endure it? My biggest affinity is for Earth releases, no matter I could still beat the guy "Baisu pondered. Baisu took the most reasonable course of action he could think of. "EARTH DRAGON BOMB; EARTH RELEASE" The man in his twenties screamed As a Dragon formed of the earth rushed at Naruto in high-Jonin speed.

"DOMINATORS TOUCH," Naruto said as held up his right hand and made a crushing motion. This action crushing the incoming attack into rubble. Naruto then shadow-shun-shine next to Baisu assaulting Baisu. Baisu tried his best to block the fast Jabs that were thrown at him. The attack broke the Ginger haired-mans arms.

 (SIDE NOTE: Dominators touch is the lower version of Rulers Authority or you could say Rulers Authority is the final stage of Dominators Touch.)

Baisu had only one choice, he had to use his trump card. He raised both their hand letting a grunt. He made few hand signs "PARTICLE STYLE; ATOMIC DISMANTLING JUTSU" Baisu said as a square white transparent box was hurled towards Naruto. Everything around Naruto was erased creating a dust cloud. 

The dust cloud cleared, Baisu was shocked to see an unharmed Naruto in torn-up clothes. "H-How could you survive that, PARTICLE STYLE/RELEASE is one of the best advance Nature releases in the world, How could he survive" Baisu ranted. 

Naruto wasted no time when he noticed the shocked expression on the man he was battling. He walked up to the brown-eyed man and punched him in the stomach. The guy coughed out a cloud of venom that landed on the Shadow Monarch's face. The ginger-haired gentleman was taken aback. He began to consider his circumstances. He was a rough Ninja Boarding A-rank with a B-rank.

He had heard a lot of tales about the man who was in front of him, which he labeled as falsehoods. But now that he was up against this man, he couldn't deny his own might. So he made the decision that if he was going down, he would go down with his foe. So he did a basic shun-shin to distance himself from Naruto by thirty meters.

"Why did he shun-shin away like that, Is-" Naruto was cut off by his thoughts when a large number of Chakra was released at once. 

"PARTICLE STYLE; SUBETE SAKUJO(DELETE ALL) JUTSU" Baisu mumbled. "I know this Jutsu will drain all of my life forms. but it will delete everything it touches in a 40-meter radius," Baisu thought and another flash of memory came to the ginger-haired man's mind. 

Baisu, who was seven years old at the time, was trailing a man in his late 50s. Baisu said, "Grampa, Will I Ever Get Our Clan Bloodline?" For a long time, the man in his late fifties remained mute. Meanwhile, Baisu was watching the old guy, who stood 4.6 feet tall. The man has an oddly shaped nose. The guy then responded, "Maybe, I'm not sure. Our clan's Bloodline is one of the rarest Bloodlines, A Kekkei Tota also known as The Particle Release. Unlike Kekkei Genkie, our bloodline contains three natural releases: Fire(Katon), Wind( ), and Earth( ), "Onoki said.

(A/n Sorry I forgot the Japanese name for Wind and Earth I would appreciate it if someone tells me the name in the comment section.)


"Can I actually activate it?" Baisu wondered

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"Can I actually activate it?" Baisu wondered. When he first activated it, his thoughts drifted and he never got an answer. He accidentally killed 40 people when he activated the PARTICLE RELEASE. Onoki had no choice but to exile his Grandson. He felt deceived after the incident, so to ease the agony, he goes about murdering others.

"He releasing a lot of Chakra at once a suicidal Jutsu Perhaps," Naruto waited for the attack. He did not think that the assault will do much. Naruto made the wrong choice by waiting for the attack He should have finished the job when he got the chance. He would regret this decision for the rest of his life.

A/N: I apologize for not uploading. I recently completed my School Test.


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