Your nicknames

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His - Handsome

His face flushes bright red when you call him like that in front of the others, but he secretly loves it.

Yours - Love (only when the two of you are alone)


His - Honey

The others snicker when you call him like that but neither of you care.

Yours - Beautiful


His - Knoxie or Knoxious, depending on your mood

Yours - Gorgeous


His - Babe

Yours -Princess / Prince Charming

When he's looking for you, he usually asks others "Where is my princess / prince charming?".


His - Meeks

Yours - Y/L/N

You love teasing each other about your last names so that's just how you call each other now.


His - Teddy Bear

You're the only person whom he tolerates to call him "Armpits" (as a joke, of course).

Yours - Sugar Plum

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