Chapter Thirty-Four

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I received a big hug from my friends when we got to our house. My family and I are very grateful to Fabio. During those two hours I heard nothing that they mentioned Nicolas' name. Smile is all I see on their lips and joy in their eyes.

I smiled. How I miss their smiles. I miss this feeling. I feel the security in my heart when I see their smiles.

I got up from my chair when I saw Fabio get up and head to the kitchen. I followed him.

When I entered the kitchen I immediately saw him on the counter pouring wine. I approached him. "Where is Alfred?" I asked.

He drank first before facing me. "Nicolas doesn't know yet that you are no longer in Daniel's place. Alfred told me that Nicolas doesn't want to see you because he's mad at you for what you did. I know it is not your intention to tell them where the data is and I think you just did that because you had a reason.Nicolas and all the members of the head of la familia were ordered to kill you on sight.The head of the la familia was furious for losing the data. I'm sorry Sandra. "

My knees went to jelly. I didn’t know that all my plans would be like this. "I thought Daniel couldn't get the data that easily because I know how Nicolas values ​​things but I was wrong. I'm sorry."

"Alfred wants to talk to you. He will come here tomorrow and don't worry Nicolas doesn't know what Alfred is doing. Alfred wants you to be safe so he did this behind Nicolas' back."

I nodded. "Alfred will take you tomorrow to a safer place. Daniel will definitely make a way to get you back. Just trust Alfred."

"Why is Alfred doing this? I don't understand, he's Nicolas' friend and right -hand. What if Nicolas finds out he'll definitely be killed."

Fabio grabbed both my shoulders and then stared at me intently. "Listen to me Sandra. I will do everything to protect you. I will not let anything bad happen to you. Even if our first meeting was not good, even if I was your stalker or did something bad to you, I will not let anything bad happen to you. I'll protect you no matter what happens."

"Thank you so much Fabio but you don't have to do that thing. I can do it myself. During the time I was in Daniel's hands I learned how to fight, think and take steps. Daniel doesn't hurt me but I know what he's thinking. I stayed with him so he wouldn't do something I don't want, but it doesn't mean I don't need your support anymore I'm still a woman and one day I'll need you still help. "

"That's good to hear. I'll go now I still have to do something." I just nodded at him and looked at the receding figure. I sighed as he left.

What am I going to do now? Everything is messed up. Maybe I'll just wait for Alfred and listen to what he plans. Wait. Why is Alfred doing this I don't really understand.

The next day I prepared myself for whatever Alfred would say. My life is in danger according to Fabio because of what I did. Nicolas and the la familia had eyes on me, maybe when I came out of the house I would be dead immediately.

At nine o'clock Alfred's car arrived. Still the same as he uses. He smiled as I greeted him in the living room. I crossed my hands against my chest and raised an eyebrow.

"It's nice to see you again Mrs. De Luca."

I crinkled my nose of what he said. "What are you doing Alfred? Don't you know you can be harmed by what you're doing? You know Nicolas."

"I know. La familia is in trouble now so I need to take you to a safe place."

"How can I make sure this place you're talking about is safe? You're still Nicolas' men so you might set me up."

He laughed. "Oh come on Mrs. De Luca, I won't do anything that will harm the boss's wife."

My forehead furrowed even more. "For your information Alfred Nicolas and I were separated."

One of his eyebrows rose. "Really? I didn't know that. We didn't know you were separated. The boss never said you were separated-"

"You're mistaken. We're separated and ..." I couldn't continue what I was about to say when my memory returned when I saw the paper Daniel was holding with my signature. "... I'm married to Daniel."

He went near me and led me to sit on the sofa. "You can't marry that man if you're still married to my boss."

I shook. "No."

His phone rang. He looked there then turned to me with apprehension.


"Nicolas is coming here."

I immediately got up.


I'm tired. Hello guys.

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