Chapter Four

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I'm still reeling from what happened yesterday at the De Luca mansion. I can't shake off how he laid down his rules.

'First, I despise meddling, especially in my affairs. Second, I abhor inquisitiveness. Third, I detest betrayal or deceit. Lastly, you must follow everything I say. I have no tolerance for disobedience; those who defy me will face consequences, possibly bullets. There are no exceptions, and you are not exempt. Is that clear?' I simply nodded, gripped by fear.

'Crystal clear.'

'Good. We understand each other.'

In the car, on my way to the University, I contemplated how to explain my absence at Layla's party and my upcoming unavailability for Cally's birthday. The excuses were running thin, and I hesitated to reveal the truth about my marriage to my friends.

Moreover, there were my bodyguards. 'Ma'am, Mr. De Luca wants to speak with you,' one of them said, handing me his phone.


'Ms. Evans, how's your day?'

I rolled my eyes at his question. 'Fine,' I replied sarcastically.

'My mother is inviting you to dinner tonight. I'll pick you up later.'

'Am I the only one?'

'Did I say otherwise?'

I pouted at his response. 'I have to go. See you later.'

'Ni-' I glanced at the phone when I heard the dial tone. He ended the call abruptly. I returned the phone to the bodyguard and resumed my contemplation.

Upon arriving at the University, I saw Layla, Cally, April, and Shay at the gate. Layla was applying makeup, Cally was deep in conversation with Shay about their boyfriends, and April was engrossed in her phone. Before stepping out of the car, I addressed the bodyguards.

'Can you keep a bit of distance? I don't like being too close.'

They nodded, and I smiled before joining my friends.


'Where were you, Sandra? We waited for you yesterday, and you're such a letdown,' Layla complained.

'I'm sorry. Family matters, something important,' I lied, unsure if they'd buy it.

'I hope you at least called or texted us.' Cally grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

'I hope you'll make it to my birthday. I'll slap you if you don't,' Cally threatened.

'Actually, Cally-'

'What? Can't make it again because of some mysterious important thing? What's going on with you, Sandra? You used to be different, always joining our parties. Is there something you're not telling us?'

The four of them stared at me, waiting for an answer. I turned to my bodyguards a few feet behind me.

'See those men?' I pointed. 'It's because of them.' Their eyes widened as they approached.

'Did your dad receive another threat? Why didn't you tell us?'

Yeah, they knew about it. Nothing escapes them.

'I'll explain later. Let's go.'


Ughh! I hate myself."

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