Season three

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I was recording my latest album when I see three figure walk in the room. Deciding to take a break I look over to see my manager, the director from umbrella academy and my dad. All they do is smile when I realise I got the part of number 3 from the sparrow academy. I remember a couple weeks ago I jokingly tweeted about going for it.


Just finished reading Umbrella Academy and now I kinda want to go for Number 3 from sparrow academy #badbitch #mood
She is all yours. #hired


I only thought he was joking but now him being right in front of me talking about my pay I couldn't help but be excited. Mr Way and I were heading over to the set for the middle part of the last episode which I just so happened to be in. I got changed into my outfit than went to meet the cast

"Y/n this is Elliot, David, Robert and Aidan. The others will meet you tomorrow. Guys this is Y/n she will be playing Sparrow academy number 3 and is also Aidan's love interest seeing as they both remind each other of themselves. Treat her kindly she is a hard catch."

As Mr Way walked off I laughed and smiled at David one of my old cast mates.

"Hard catch? I saw you get hired off Twitter!"

"Nice to see you too david."

"I missed you Y/n. I'm assuming you also remember Aidan?"

A boy with gelled back hair waved as I noticed who he was, he played Nicky! I was a guest star on the show once when there Australian friend was in love with Dawn but it was actually me. (If you've seen the show you know what I mean)

"Aidan it's been a while!"

He pulls me in for a hug And I can't help but hug back.

"I missed you."

Before I could reply Gerald screamed at us to get over there.

"Okay guys this is when Diego bangs into Y/n and accidentally brings the young commision worker with him."

We get into position me with 6 books in my hands which go higher than my head and David looking like a low class batman.


Walking forwards we both banged into each other sending all the books out of my hands as one hits my head.

"Watch it"
"Its not my fault you can't see"
"Shit let me help you up"

He grabs my hand and we both disappear.

"How did we get here?"
"You idiot when you bumped into me you must have set off your briefcase!"

"And cut! You guys did perfect now we will just have the reunion when Y/n sees her family again."

We all get in position Aidan having to hold my hand because in the show they are scared I will escape.


I walk around the table as I hear everyone excitedly chant when I feel a hand grab mine.

"Not so fast- what the hell? Where is my painting and why is Be there instead?"

Just in time Ben and Reginald walk down the stairs.


I run into his arms squeezing him tight.

"Three, who are these assholes?"
"That is the umbrella academy and trust me they are worse than that"

Five glares at me well Alison looks offended the rest having blank stares.

"And cut! Perfect absolutely perfect!"

Before anyone can respond Aidan grabs me asking if we can talk all I do is nos as he drags me to his trailer.

"Ummm so I uhhhh don't know how to say this but uhhhh eversinceimetyouithoughtyouwereneat."

"I'm sorry what?"

Robert than burst in with a smiling David and says.

"He thinks your neat and wants to know if you will go to the premier with him. He is also head over heels for you."

I laugh and smile at Aidan

"Of course I will!"

*I'm sorry these are getting so short I have no ideas thooooughhhhh. And my spelling is dead👻☠️

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now