Chapter 22: Deep Trouble

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The crowd roars as Zaid scores the three pointer. Deafening cheers of 'Valden' surround me as I sit on the bleachers and watch the basketball match intently. Our college team is playing against Spring Hill, a community college located not far from ours.

My eyes from time to time unconsciously slide to the guy wearing yellow jersey of our team with number 4 etched on its back. 

Adrien Augustine.

He's dazzling on the court with his defensive plays and jump-shots, earning him lots of whoops and hollers from the audience. He's really good at the game and it's hard for me to stray my gaze away from him. Right now he's patting Zaid's back with a huge grin on his drenched face. Adrien's genuine smiles and grins are rare, at least for me. My heart squeezes seeing him rejoicing with his teammates.

I don't attend basketball games often. Another limitation on my part to avoid the bully whom I am ogling right now. Today, however, I had to tag along when Logan invited the whole team of 'Valden Fashion Buzz' to watch the game. He's captain of the basketball team. It's Saturday and he asked - or rather demanded (it's hard to decipher from his terse tone if he was being polite or demanding) - us just this afternoon when we were finished with the day's work for the show and leaving. Most of the people were already going to come as basketball was quite popular in the college. I got roped along because I didn't want to stick out. Plus, when Logan especially singled me out among the others, I couldn't decline.

"Gosh, these sweaty boys look so yummy," says Jane, who is sitting next to me. She's one of the stylists of the show.

"You're more interested in thirsting after players than the game," Arthur scoffs. He's too a stylist of our team, and is seated on Jane's other side. They both are assigned for girls' outfits.

"Art, I don't give two shits about game. I am only here to thirst after hot boys," Jane clarifies. I hear a wistful sigh from her. "I wish I had the job of putting together clothes for the boys. Look at these hotties. Forget inch tape, I'd take their measurements with my own hands, parade them around shirtless-"

"Well, thank god you don't have the job," Arthur cuts her off, "or we'd be dealing with multiple complaints of sexual harassment."

Areum lets out a stifled chuckle from my other side. She's listening to their banter too.

"You're no fun. A girl can't even fantasize." Jane groans, before she turns to me. "Tell me Harper, you're working with the guys, didn't you ever want to strip those men down and run your fingers all over their gorgeous abdomens?"

"N-no," I reply, slightly taken aback by her abruptness, "I mean not really." 

"Oh come on, not even Adrien? You got hots for him, right."

I look at her wide-eyed. How did she...?

"No, I have no hots for Adrien," I lie.

"I get it you're seeing Raphael, but don't tell me you never noticed Adrien looking at you like a horn-dog literally all the time," Jane teases. "I won't judge you if you admit you like Adrien too. The guy is red hot. And didn't you two kiss at the party too?"

"I'm not interested in him," I say, trying to sound nonchalant when the strong blush on my cheeks is betraying me. But really, I shouldn't be interested in Adrien. At all.

"Okay," Jane drawls, not believing me in the slightest.

"J, stop grilling her on her love-life just because your thirsty ass has none." Arthur comes to my rescue, turning Jane's inquisitive stare away from me.

"Hey, you don't have to be so mean," Jane mutters to Arthur who rolls his eyes.

I catch Areum glancing at me curiously, but she quickly whips her head back to the court as soon as our eyes meet. The topic of me and Adrien is closed, for now. But it doesn't change the fact that others have started noticing us too. First Jenny, then Logan, and now Jane. Perhaps, we both are not so discreet.

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