Chapter 8: Plus-size

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So yesterday with my routine morning coffee I randomly picked up one of my wife's magazine. I almost spit out my drink when I saw its cover. It had a fat girl featured on it, or if we're being politically correct a 'plus-size' woman.

This body-positivity and fat-acceptance shit is getting out of hand.

I am just here to rant and express my unpopular opinion about 'plus-size' models.

I personally believe 'plus-size' models shouldn't exist. Period.

Models are people who we look up to and aspire to become. They have ideal body type which they attain through strict diet and hard training. It should be commended. Their lifestyle and hard work should be celebrated and imitated.

Now here comes these fat women. I do not think it is Ok or healthy to be overweight AND a model. People should not be looking up to fat people as that fat lifestyle is grossly unhealthy. Plus-size modeling glorifies laziness, overeating and obesity. Models should be thin so that people follow in their steps or at least try to instead of remaining fat or obese.

Also plus-models are so annoying. Like get a gym membership already and get rid of that flabby fat. It's disgusting.

Not to mention this fat-acceptance has taken our media by storm. Now we're talking about plus-size Disney Princess. Are you serious? Are we really going to teach our daughters that it's beautiful to be obese? Even celebrities have started parroting the same propaganda. Seeing Ashley Graham on my IG page wasn't enough when I found out Taylor Fucking Swift has also gained weight. What else there is left to say? Getting fat is a new trend!

I say bring back Victoria's model and stop with this plus-size shit. All sizes aren't beautiful, and they sure as hell aren't healthy.

Flow95: You're right dude. This is some postmodernism shit.

Joker88: Plus size is unhealthy and its inclusion in children film is equivalent to child abuse.

Astro_Zeke: You're getting too excited. Models aren't there to promote some lifestyle or health. They're just there to sell clothes. From a business point of view it makes sense for companies to have plus-size models to include bigger women under their umbrella and increase their market. And aren't over majority of woman in America wear clothes over size 14... It makes sense. Bro, it's not that deep :/

IAteYourCake: I'm with you. Somehow being fat is now a 'brave' thing. For fucks sake. As for Ashley Graham, she is like a snorlax, though I'd still fuck her. It's sad to hear about Taylor Swift.

Constance: Taylor Swift? Fat? My men, are you okay?

Suckadick: Your messaging is extremely toxic. If you're talking about health then Victoria's models aren't healthy either. I also think you're conflating between overweight and obese. There's a major difference. Most of the plus-size models I know aren't obese, they're just taller and bigger woman with good fat on their tits and ass.
I also believe people should strive to be healthy, but to make that step you have to first make them not hate themselves. Self-loathing and depression, which are very common in overweight people, aren't going help them.
According to you, there should be only skinny and conventionally attractive people on TV, which have no resemblance to real life. That's only going to raise already unbelievable high beauty standards. I guess that is what you want. But let me tell you it's a recipe for putting majority of population under inferiority-complex and low self-esteem.
Also, existence of overweight people is not glorifying obesity. Plus-size modeling is there to sell clothes, and no matter of what size you are, you have all the right to have options of buying good clothes.

Juicy_carrot: How plus are we talking about? Sure Ashley Graham is chunky, but she looks cute.

Scoophoop: I also think modeling should be exclusive to athletic skinny people. At least it would make fat women here uncomfortable to try and lose weight... LOL

I snort before turning off my phone and throwing it next to my pillow. At this point I am turning into a masochist, deliberately trying to seek out forums that hurt my self-esteem. Though it didn't take more than a google search for me to stumble into this forum, where mostly men are complaining about plus-size body.

Maybe it was Adrien's words or my curiosity but I had the urge to know what people thought of bigger women in fashion industry. There are lots of articles that praises them, while some complain that their bodies are even more unrealistic than traditional model because of the fat distribution mostly on their breasts and hips. But the one I had to take to my heart was where a middle-aged man is ranting about how annoying and unhealthy plus-size modeling is. Sighs...

What else should I expect from the people of internet? They are so polarizing.

Getting sleep tonight is going to be difficult after filling my brain with this trash. As if Adrien's taunts aren't enough, I have to add this on the pile too.


"Hit it Harper!" Salma screams.

I see the ball coming to me and raise my hand to pass it to Ashley. She gives it another bounce before Salma hits it past the net.

Every weekend us girls in the dorm play volleyball. It's the activity our seniors came up with to socialize and encourage sisterhood. I am not complaining as these two hours on Saturday and Sunday are when my body have the most action in a week and I actually enjoy it. Well mostly.

If the judgmental look from some of the girls weren't included, I'd enjoy it better. Some people still can't comprehend that I can play sports and have fun too.

"I'll get it," I say as one of my teammates pass the ball in my direction. I jump up to hit the ball over the net but soon I realize my calculation is off when it goes past my head and crashes on the ground.

The other team hollers and high-five each other. They have the point.

"I was passing it to Christy, you didn't need to bring your fat ass in!" Tara yells at me.

"But you threw it in my direction," I tell her, frowning at her tone. Sometimes she gets too competitive during these friendly matches.

Tara and Christy are the one who give me the hardest time during our games. It also doesn't help that they are a year above me so I have to watch myself from retaliating too disrespectfully. I mostly avoid them in dormitory and college.

"Between you and me it's given I'm better at taking the shots. Unlike you, I don't have extra weight to pull me down when I jump," Christy sneers.

Before I can reply one of our seniors jumps in. "Tara, Christy, watch your tone. This is not a way to talk."

"And you hit the ball too hard," Salma chimes, glaring at Tara. Seeing our senior reprimanding them, my roommate gets spunky too. "The ball has fallen out of boundary lines. If it's anyone's fault, it's yours for throwing it too far. Christy wouldn't be able to reach it too. Stop blaming Harper."

Christy and Tara glare at her.

Our senior, Avery, sighs looking at the girls. "This is just a damn recreational match, not Nationals." She breaks off their stare down and tells the other team to start the play.

Now I give my best at the game, Christy and Tara's insults fueling me to prove myself. I jump higher and hit harder. Our team wins the match. I am sweating and panting by the time the game is over. But I am satisfied with my performance.

Sometimes I hate it how casually people use my body to demean me. How easily they cage me in stupid stereotypes.

I get it I'm fat, but is there a need to rub that in my face every time?

"You should get longer shorts to cover those thunder thighs. They're distracting," Tara comments as she walks by me to the benches. I grit my teeth.

Apparently yes.


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