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Sophia 💅💞
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19 February 2021, 09:55 PM

she's so dramatic, you know?

sophia, she lost a baby

who knows, maybe that "baby" isn't even real at all

maybe she got a period and pretended she had a miscarriage

and now she ran away to hide

that is the most absurd thing you ever said

that's ridiculous

why do you hate her so much?

why aren't you hating her ass?

she stole your boyfriend

don't take this personally but you're getting dumber every moment

soph i don't have the time AND THE ENERGY to fight with you

i have to go to chandler tomorrow morning

oh, you're coming back to him?

maddy asked me earlier to like, calm him down so that jimmy and everyone could work peacefully again

he is losing his mind

i have to go see him tomorrow

chandler needs me

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