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'Did she have the baby?' asked Sanah. 'No, not yet, ' said Marcus excitedly.

One would think it was their first, but Frances was giving birth to their fourth baby. His sons Antony, Elliot, Isaac (6, 4 and 2 years-old respectively) were playing with George in the garden.

Frances wanted a girl, Marcus didn't mind at first but having three boys in a row, he was looking forward to a girl too.

Marcus wanted to move out of Brent Castle after marriage, but Frances insisted they stay with his parents. Lady Martha was cold towards them both, but Frances didn't mind, they had dinner with parents daily.

Dinner which Marcus hated became enjoyable. Lord Winston loved Frances. Frances talked and joked, Marcus caught Lady Martha smiling despite herself a few times.

The arrival of their first son Antony made more difference. They moved to the large wing as they couldn't set up a nursery in the small wing. Frances refused to be apart from Antony and insisted they set up a nursery next to their bedchamber.

No one could refuse Antony, not even Lady Martha. Frances insisted the children should join them for dinner everyday.

Lady Martha admonished the suggestion saying, 'I will not take my dinner in the nursery.' However, she was the first to arrive for dinner each day.

'Do you have any names planned?' enquired Sanah.

'Yes, Olivia,' said Marcus.

'Shouldn't you be in with her?' asked Sanah teasingly.

Marcus had accompanied Frances during their first son Antony's delivery. When he told Frances it's alright and the baby will come soon as she lay gasping and moaning. Frances had bitten Marcus, quite literally. The same had repeated during Elliot's birth too. So Marcus decided to stay well away from the delivery ward then on.

Lady Martha came out of the delivery room and said, 'it's a boy.'

Marcus rushed in, Frances was nursing the baby. Marcus kissed Frances' cheeks.

She pouted and said, 'It's not Olivia.'

Marcus laughed and said, 'we can call him Oliver.'

She was still pouting, Marcus kissed her again.

She squared her shoulders and said 'Next one will definitely be a girl.'

*** Congratulation you have reached the end. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

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