Chapter 22: Master Kenworthy

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Marcus and Antony reached Lord Kenworthy's house. A maid answered the door instead of the butler. She ushered them to the living room.

Lady Sanah and Frances were sitting on a couch. Marcus walked in, Lady Sanah looked at Frances questioningly, Frances nodded. Lady Sanah motioned them to sit, they sat on the opposite couch. She requested the maid to bring them towels to dry and a tea tray.

Maid arrived with a tea tray, Lady Sanah turned to Frances and said, 'Frances terribly sorry, can you please prepare the tea.'

Frances nodded and set about preparing the tea. She handed Marcus his tea, she had prepared it the way he took it. They were silent for a long time.

Lady Sanah was holding a paper and pencil, she viewed the clock every 10 minutes and took notes, she winced now and then.

Lady Sanah stood up and said 'Excuse me.' she gulped some water and walked to and fro in the room. She winced again, took her pencil and paper and took notes.

Marcus couldn't bear the silence, 'Frances I need to speak to you.'

Frances looked at Marcus as though she was waiting for him to speak. He slipped out of his couch, rested on his haunches and took Frances' hands, she didn't pull her hand out, she didn't react in any way.

'Frances, please I am sorry, ' said Marcus.

'You have done nothing that needs an apology Lord. In fact I should thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson,' replied Frances.

'Frances please don't be like this, I know you are angry with me.'

Marcus was cut off as Frances replied 'Lord I am not angry with you, I was a fool and -'; Frances was cut off when Lady Sanah let out a loud painful gasp and sat down.

'Frances I think I'm going into labour' said Lady Sanah.

Frances stood up and was on Sanah's side in an instance. 'Are you sure?' Frances enquired.

'Yes, my contractions are getting closer' said Sanah pointing to the notes she was taking.

Antony marvelled at the note. Sanah has meticulously written the duration of each contraction and the intervals between each contraction in a neat table.

'We need to inform George and the physician too,' said Frances.

Antony asked, 'Where is Lord Kenworthy?'

Sanah's face became worried, 'George left to help move the grains, the safe house will be flooded if this downpour continues for a day and he has taken all the staff with him. How are we going to inform him?'

Antony said, 'Don't worry, we both will leave immediately and bring Lord Kenworthy and the physician.'

Sanah gave another gasp, her dress became wet. 'My water has broken.'

'We will leave now,' said Antony.

'No!' Sanah gasped, 'One of you must stay. I can't walk.'

Antony nodded to Marcus and took off.

Marcus took Lady Sanah in his arms and carried her, Frances led them both to a room which was kept ready for delivery. Sanah gave instructions to the maid to bring the delivery basket. Marcus saw the delivery basket Lady Sanah asked for. It contained a dress which turned out to be nothing more than a night coat and pile of rags.

'Help me undress,' Lady Sanah told Frances. Marcus was still holding Lady Sanah, he gently placed her on her feet.

'I shall wait outside,' mumbled Marcus awkwardly.

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