4. "Whos jack frost?"

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Y/N flew down into Burgess, looking around for Jack.
She spotted him not to far away.

He was watching a family getting ready to play in the snow. His back was facing Y/N.

"It says that here that they found big foot hair samples and DNA! In Michigan, that's  like super close!" Exclaimed Jamie excitedly.

"Here we go again" said one of the twins who were friends with Jamie.

"You saw that video to Claude he's out there" said Jamie in awe.

"That's what you about aliens"
"annnd the Easter bunny"

"Wow The Easter bunny IS real" Jamie replied prepping up his red sled.

"Oh he's real alright, real annoying, real grumpy  and reallyyy full of himself" jack said aloud, hanging his staff over his shoulders Walking along the fence.

"Sure you're not describing yourself?" Y/N announced herself from behind, Jack turned around at the voice of his best friend, he smiled happily and went to face her.

"Since when am I grumpy" he childishly smirked, he now rested his chin on his staff, Y/N turned away from him as she rolled her eyes. He had jumped down from the fence to tease her.

To get her Attention back on himself, Jack used his staff to wrap around Y/Ns waist and pull her close.
Y/N let out a Yelp as he did so, Jack then slung his arm around her waist, he cheekily rested his head into the side of her head as she crouched down from his touch.

"Stop, your gonna give me frostbite" She quickly retorted, attempting to hide how flustered she got.
Y/N pushed Jack away, she now sat on the fence with her feet dangling. Jack joined her before he chuckled.
"And Bunny isn't, terrible" Y/N stated, bringing up the topic from before.

"Look who's talking" Jack chuckled.
"wasn't it you who flooded his warren?" Jack smirked.

"Yeah but-"

"That's what I thought" jack smirked,
Y/N just rolled her eyes.
"Not much of angel now, are you"

"I never declared myself an Angel" Y/N smirked knowingly, leaning over and nudging Jack with her shoulder lightly.

"So. Angel, what have you been up to the last few days"
Jack asked, he nudged Y/N on the shoulder with his staff, a small grin playing on his face.

"I ran into Peter Pan the other day" Y/N shrugged.
"He showed me Neverland, The mermaids didn't like me very much but I got them back I-"

Jack scoffed making Y/N stop speaking and look at him confusedly.
"Peter Pan? Seriously he's so childish and can't fly without his little fairy" Jack mocked shaking his hands in the air.

Y/N looked at Jack knowingly. "Really? Childish? And her name is TinkerBell"

Jack hummed distractedly.

"Why are you being so judge-y?
Y/N had her gaze locked on a little blonde girl who just tripped down the stairs. Y/N smiled softly at her.

"I'm just saying!" Jack retorted.

"He's a lot like you though, is that why your mad? Cause you have to be the better 'Jack Frost'"  Y/N giggled using bunny fingers.
"Your being very negative Jack-"
Y/N smirked at him, "Maybe I should hang out with Peter more, get away from the negativity for a bit" she motioned her hands in a circle towards Jack.

Jack glared at her as Y/N continued to smile.
"I.." he eyed Y/Ns hands "..am just kidding!" He grabbed ahold of them at sat them aside.

"Do you- hang out with him a-lot?" He mumbled bashfully, rubbing the back of his head.

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