26. Pain

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" Yon..Yong-joon ?"

Your whole body was shivering with a gust of fear that just hit you out of the blues.

Yong-joon has lost weight, a lot of it. His eyes looked like small beads set in a pit of darkness, his face was unbelievably pale. His hair were tangled and frizzy, his lips so dry with red blood clots.
The man who was so gullible and full of warmth once, has started looking like a destitute.

You took a moment to brace yourself and build up the courage to make your body move. A part of you wanted to rush to your room and lock the door behind so that he won't be able to reach you but the other, which have seen him as a friend wanted to make sure that he was fine.
The later one won.

You slowly started walking upto him, your heart still beating like a drum.
With great difficulty in your throat you finally spoke,

" What are you doing here at this time ? Are you fine ? "

" You weren't supposed to be happy Y/N. You were supposed to be hurt , crying and being pathetic after I left you like that. "

His grunted and the fiery in his eyes seemed to burning holes on your skin.

You gasped sharply, clutching your fist tightly. Sheer horror was now flooding your senses, making your head pain. Your stomach tied into a knot when you saw him taking big steps towards you. Should you run ? Can you really escape from this ?

But before you could move a single inch, you felt a heavy thud on your neck.
His hand was tightly clutched around your neck, his nails digging into your soft skin. An inevitable pain ran through your body, you were struggling for some air. You couldn't breathe. Your eyes were blinking rapidly, your mouth opened to inhale some oxygen but rather a tormented moan came out of it. Everything around you was getting blurry, you tried to throw your arms and legs to break free but it hardly made any difference.

" You shouldn't be happy. You won't be happy. I won't let yo..."

Something happened. You were able to breathe again. His voice cut short midway , his horrific gaze wasn't on you anymore. You coughed heavily, after that gasped as much air as possible. When you felt like a living, breathing being again, you looked up.

Yong-joon was on the ground, curled up and crying in pain as Yoongi was furiously trashing his face.

You ran upto him and tried your best to pull him away from Yong-joon. But he was so incredibly strong, not ready to move any inch, throwing one punch after another. You looked at Yong-joon and saw his face had swollen up and his nose was bleeding heavily.

With every bit of energy left in your body you pulled him back and pushed him away from Yong-joon.

" You son of a bitch ! How dare you even touch her ! YOU MOTHERFUCKER !! I AM GONNA KILL YOU.."
Yoongi was screaming on the top of his lungs, his whole body shaking with furry. You pushed him away with all the strength in your body but he kept on throwing himself off and kicking or punching again and again.

" Stop it.. Stop it please... Please Yoongi .. please... No... Nooo please... Baby... Please stop it... Yoongi he will die... Please don't do it. "

All you could do to stop him was pull him back and hold him tight every time he escaped from your grip and cry. Warm tears were flooding your face, thinking what would happen if anyone saw him. But at the same you felt terribly hopeless in front of his angry powerful self.
You knew only one thing could stop him from his madness, you held him tightly with both of your hands and made him turn towards you. You screamed to make him listen to you,

" Yoongi ! Look at me... Loot at me ! I am hurt. I AM HURT."

He stopped. His eyes gazing you from head to toe. He cupped your face with his hands and you saw tears clustering in his eyes in a matter of split second,

" Where ? Where does it hurt ? Tell me Y/N. Should I take you to the hospital ? "

His voice started breaking. There was an urgency in his voice, urgency to know you were fine. You threw yourself in his arms and buried your face in his chest. You couldn't look at him after that.

You were lying. But you were helpless, you had to do something before any more terrible thing would have happened.

" Y/N ? Are you alright ? Hey ! Look at me. "

He pulled you back, and lifted your chin to look you into your eyes.

" You need to leave Yoongi."

" What ? "

his eyes were darting at you. Making it quite clear that he was not expecting to hear that.

" Yes. You need to leave before anyone sees you. " you begged.

" I am not leaving you alone. Not until that Bastard is dead. "
his said while his jaw clinched in anger.

" I'll call up the authorities. I promise I can handle this. Please Yoongi ! You know you can't involve yourself in all of this. Please ! You need to leave right now. "

You can't afford to get him involved in all of this mess, the image of the band was at stake. And while Yong-joon was unconscious, he wasn't a threat anymore. But Yoongi won't listen to any of it. He simply wouldn't leave.

The only thing that you could make him do was to get inside the car so people won't see him there. Yong-joon still lying unconscious on the ground.
You called up the college authority and then rang up Namjoon. You knew only he could convince Yoongi and get him back to his senses.
After several minutes of arguing, Yoongi agreed to leave only when he saw Prof. Lee calling you to inform that they have almost arrived in the campus and will be there in front of your dorm in a minute or two.

Before driving off, Yoongi just said one thing and that broke your heart into several pieces,

" I can't believe you lied to me about being hurt to save that jerk. I just wanted to protect you Y/N but seems like you don't really need me. "

You saw a drop of tear falling down his cheek before he pulled up the car's window and left.

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