10. Liar

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" Miss Y/N. Can you please follow me to the Principal's office ?" , you were in middle of your literary essay's class when Prof. Lee walked into the room and requested.
You started feeling uneasy in your abdomen after that. It was vividly clear to you that it was something related to Yong-joon.
Is he dead !? That was the first thing that sprang up in your head. You tried to gulp but it felt that there was huge lump stuck inside your neck.
You slowly got up and followed Prof. Lee.
When you entered Principal's office there were two other people inside the room, apart from him. They both looked like they were in their mid fifties and had striking similarity of facial features with Yong-joon. You were quite certain that they were his parents.

Prof. Lee went up to the principal and whispered something in his ears. His eyes turned towards you and he gently indicated you to sit down.
Then spoke in a very gentle voice,

" Miss Y/N , they are Mr. and Mrs. Park, parents of Park Yong-joon. I believe they want to tell you something really important. "

You slowly turned your body to face them as they were sitting on chairs next to you. It took you sometime to adapt yourself to this weird situation but you somehow made yourself speak,

" Hello Sir. Hello Ma'am. Yong-joon haven't showed up for college for few days, is he doing fine ?" , you tried your best not to sound like some obsessed, clingy girl stooping too low to find the whereabouts of a guy. You were worried, that's all. You had no bad intentions, right ? You kept on defending yourself when Mrs. Park spoke in a very sweet and gentle voice,

" Hello Y/N. I am glad that to know that you are one of my son's well wishers. It was really kind of you to reach out to the authorities and I am thankful that they could contact us even after all the false documents and wrong information Yong-joon has provided them." Even though she was very considerate but a shade of embarrassment was visible on her face.

You shook your head and forced a smile. You had no idea about what should be your reply to what she just said. That's when Mr. Park put a hand on his wife's shoulder and nodded as an indication that he would like to speak.

" Y/N, Firstly I would like to know how Yong-joon had been to you ? I mean, did he behaved kindly or was he arrogant ?"

You were taken aback by the strange question. Yong-joon was such a humble person, why was this even a question ?

" He has been very kind to me sir. He is of my good friends."
You replied almost like you were trying to defend him.

" It is a relief to know that."
He said it with an expression which looked like a burden was put down from his back. Then he looked his wife, she quickly read his expression and turned towards me to speak. She opened her mouth but then sighed a bit. She softly held your hands and said,

" Y/N, I am afraid that we are going to tell you something that might be hurtful if he was a good friend to you "

Your heartbeat was faster than normal. Your feet were getting numb. Did something happen to Yong-joon ?

Reading your worried expression Mrs. Park stroke her thumb lightly at the back of your palm and said,

" He is fine Y/N. Atleast physically he is. But the sad reality is that he isn't a mentally stable person. He is having multiple signs of mental illnesses since High School. He was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and Pathological Lying Behavior. And two years ago the doctors doubted that he was showing early symptoms of Sadism as well."
As soon as she finished talking, a tear rolled down her face. She left your hand and covered her face, hiding it completely with her hands so that her tears are not visible to the room full of people.

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