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2 weeks later

Y/n has been receiving notes and presents each day and she admits that those notes make her feel so happy and makes her heart flutter. She admits that her secret admirer is really very sweet and she wants to meet him ASAP but whenever she asks she gets a response that 'We'll meet soon' but she doesn't know when that soon will come.

She also noticed that Jungkook is changing. He's always polite these days and smiles more often. He always wishes her and always takes the initiative to make small talks. He always compliments her and those compliments seem genuine and not fake. She likes his this side. Although he flirts with her sometimes which she thinks is for "MAKING MINHO JEALOUS MISSION" So she ignores that.

Jungkook tries to get her attention as much as he can. He's trying to subtly show his feelings but gets ignored when he tries to flirt with her. He calls her sweet nicknames and sometimes winks at her but to his dismay gets ignored. He's upset about it but is determined to get her back. He's also very happy that these days Junghyun and Y/n don't clinge around and barely interact.

Maybe they broke up. I knew he wasn't the right guy

He thinks to himself happily.

As for Minho he also noticed the change of behaviour in Jungkook. He's happy that his friend is changing for good. He has also seen that Jungkook has been trying to get Y/N's attention and honestly he'll happy if Y/n and Jungkook start dating, as they both are his friends and he knows he has no chance with Y/n and Jungkook can make Y/n happy is what he's thinking. So he's glad about it.

Y/n walked in smiling. She's always been excited to see the notes she gets.

'I'm so happy to see ur smile keep smiling like that. Ur smile makes day and I'm so grateful for that. I'll b revealing myself tomorrow. Meet me at the playground tomorrow after the class hours♡

& Plz don't avoid or hate me after knowing me. Plz forgive me & give me a chance. Ily<3'

Why is he asking for forgiveness? Has he done something wrong??

She was confused yet excited and nervous to finally see him soon. Selena already left them as she saw that Junghyun is not really into Selena now, so they stopped pretending too, for which she's relieved now.

"Hey beautiful"

Y/n turned around to see Jungkook smiling at her.

She rolled her eyes

"What?", She asked.

"I see you are smiling so much. What's the reason?", Jungkook smirked.

"I'll be meeting my secret admirer, that's why I'm smiling", she said.

Jungkook felt his heart race.

"Y-you will give him a chance, right?", He asked nervously.

"Umm.. he's kinda sweet...", She paused.

Jungkook's lips curved up into a smile hearing Y/n indirectly calling him sweet.

"But I need to know him first", she added.

He felt nervous again.

"Y-you should g-give him a chance right. He's doing so much for you. I'm sure he likes you very much", he said.

"Yeah! I acknowledge his efforts, but as I said I need to know him first. I can't be dating a guy whom I not know right", she replied.

"Y-yeah", Jungkook said.

"You know him too well", he mumbled which she didn't hear.

Jungkook was freaking out right now as he told her that he's going to meet her but he's losing courage.

Man up Jungkook. It's now or never.

He encouraged himself.

"I have to be the special someone in her life before somebody else takes my place!", He said to himself.

"Atleast she might have got some clue about my feelings. I'm beyond obvious these days......

But what if she didn't?", He asked himself.

"Let it be if she doesn't knows I'll tell her tomorrow. I hope things don't go wrong", he prayed.

See you soon my secret admirer

Y/n thought while smiling as she laid down on her bed.

Please accept me Y/n

Jungkook thought as he too laid down to sleep but wasn't able to due to nervousness.

"Whatever happens tomorrow, you won't lose hope, Jungkook", he firmly said.


I'm writing this at 1 in the morning 😂😂 I actually cringe while writing romantic scene, so forgive me if u find anything cringey in next chapters🤣

I hv hw so I might b late in updating idk plz bear with me & sorry 4 short chapter💕

𝖱𝖤𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖳 {𝖩𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖥} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now