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Y/n and Minho have already finished their project in a week when Jungkook was absent. Y/n got to know that Minho is quiet yet very respectful and sweet guy. She was so glad that Minho is the reason why Jungkook is trying to change. She was also wondering that who was her secret admirer.

She met Junghyun as she came out of her class. They were still pretending that they're dating.

"Junghyun you know it's not right to continue a fake relationship what if-"

What if we catch feelings?

She thought but kept it to herself.

"What if what Y/n?", Junghyun asked curiously.

"W-what if t-they come to know about our lie", she lied.

"Nothing we won't be caught", Junghyun shrugged it off.

Junghyun was indeed handsome and attractive and no one can deny that. Though he was popular he was really cute and sweet. He can make anyone fall for him that was what Y/n was afraid of.

I won't fall for him

She assured herself.

Then she saw Jungkook coming towards her with a frown on his face.

"Hey Y/n", he said to her completely ignoring the other's presence.

"Hey", she said, not giving a damn about his presence.

"You look beautiful", Jungkook said out if nowhere.

She looked at him with bored expression.

Minho might be somewhere here. Let him do what he wants.

She thought as she sighed.

"Thanks", she said not really recognising that Jungkook complimented her genuinely.

She doesn't even seems impressed by my compliments.

He thought but decided not to give up.  Junghyun was called by one of his friends so he just left leaving Y/n and Jungkook alone.

"Let's walk home together", he asked hopefully.

"Ok", she said blankly.

They were silent on the way. Jungkook decided to start the conversation.

"You don't seem happy with Junghyun, I don't think he's the right guy", he said trying to convince her that Junghyun really isn't a right guy.

She widened her eyes.

I shouldn't get caught.

"N-no I'm more than happy with him. He's the perfect guy for me", she stuttered.

He rolled his eyes getting jealous.

Perfect guy my ass!

"Why?", He asked.

"Why what?", She asked.

"Why did you choose him as your boyfriend? Like there are many other more handsome annd better guys who would like to date you and they genuinely like you", he said practically referring to himself.

"First, he's my close friend from childhood and he's a really sweet guy and second who's the guy that genuinely likes me?", She asked suspiciously.

Jungkook widened his eyes and started feeling nervous.

"Y-your secret a-admirer", he stuttered.

She was shocked.

"How do you know about it??!!!", She asked in disbelief.

God damnit! Jungkook go and kill yourself!! How can you be so DUMB??!!!

He scolded himself.

"I-I m-mean I saw you today reading the letters so I knew about it", he stuttered.

"Oh I see", she said now understanding how Jungkook came to know about it.

"You were too loud talking to yourself about your secret admirer", he added in order to defend himself.

"Oh I was?", She laughed and trying to cover up her embarrassment.

Jungkook couldn't help but to smile at her being cute when she laughed shyly.

"So will you give your secret admirer a chance?", He asked with so much hope in his eyes.

"Umm I don't know, if he's really good then maybe I can give him a chance, but first I need to know who's he coz I'm not even suspicious about anyone who likes me and can be my secret admirer", she stated.

"No guy has ever shown interest in me", she added.

You're so wrong

"It's because you're too oblivious about your surroundings", he mumbled.

"Pardon?", She said unable to hear what he just mumbled.

"You should be more observant, then maybe you'll be able to figure out who likes you", he said.

"I'm more observant than you think Mr. Jeon", she smirked thinking about him and Minho.

"What's with the smirk and the name? I told you don't call me Jeon", he said flustered.

"First of all I'll call you Jeon coz we're not close and I haven't forgiven you yet", she stated firmly. (This is not the typical Y/n who forgives easily 😉 it pisses me off when she forgives him so easily and acts like nothing happened🥺)

"I see", he said looking down being hurt because of her words and the guilt and regret rushing up in his veins again.

"And second you don't know me I'm really observant, I even know people in our college who like each other", she said proudly.

"Really? Who are they??", He asked curiously.

"I can't tell you Jeon I'm sorry", she said laughing.

"Okay!", He smiled too.

"I should go now we have to part ways from here, bye", she smiled and waved at him as she parted ways.

"Bye", he waved smiling.

As she left he sighed.

"She'll maybe give a chance to her secret admirer, I should do my best to ask for her forgiveness. I'm sure eventually she'll forgive me and then she'll come back to me from that bastard", he said to himself firmly.

𝖱𝖤𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖳 {𝖩𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖪𝖮𝖮𝖪 𝖥𝖥} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now