Chapter 22

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Tim facepalmed, ignoring the fork thrown over his head.

"Jonathan! No- just ignore him!" Dick yelled at Damien, trying to get the smaller boy to calm down and retake his seat at the table to no avail. Damien wasn't responding at all to the fake name he was assigned, instead, growling at Jason maliciously. Jason was laughing at the Avenger's faces, finding it humorous how Damien never failed to cause the same reaction of disbelief and shock even in a different dimension.

"You'll pay for this To-" Dick slapped a hand on Damien's mouth only to be bitten in the hand. Dick yelped, allowing Damien to escape his hold and launch himself at Jason.

Dick turned to Tim with despair in his eyes and Tim nodded back, standing up and moving swiftly towards the fighting pair. They worked on extracting the two from each other, getting hit and scratched in the process. Steve stood up and moved over to help, but lingered back a little, unsure of whether his help was needed or not.

Tim grabbed Jason under the arms from behind and struggled to drag him away. He was fuming.

"You had one job, Jay. ONE!"

"Fuck off, let me at him," Jason growled, ignoring Tim.

"He's literally a child!" Tim countered, trying to dissuade Jason.

"I am no child cretin!"

Tim cursed Damien's sharp ears. He knew better than to retaliate though. Which definitely did not go for the brother in his arms. Tim swore Jason didn't give a damn about the argument and simply liked creating chaos in itself.

And he didn't look like he was going to give up anytime soon. Tim slid a hand into his pocket where his utility belt was, struggling to hold Jason back. He counted the compartments using his fingers until he finally came across the one he was looking for.

Jason squirmed harder, shoving an elbow into Tim's face and almost immediately pulling out one of his smaller guns from who knew where. The Avengers leapt up to their feet as Jason laughed maniacally.

"You're all go-" Jason stopped mid sentence, slapping a hand on his neck. He turned slowly to Tim, glaring, but already beginning to look drowsy. "You fucking didn't... Replacement..."

With that he slumped over sideways, allowing Tim to safely catch him and lay him down on the floor with a sigh. Dick luckily didn't have to drug Damien to get him to calm down now that Jason was out.

"Why the hell was he carrying a gun? And why do you carry tranquilizers in your pocket? Is this normal?!" Clint exclaimed. Tim could clearly see the distress on his face and honestly felt the same way. Tim managed his temples.

"I'm sorry, Jay- Jeremy has some issues."

"Some is an understatement,"

Tim couldn't help but agree. They'd been here for only about a week and things were already going downhill really quickly. For the most part Jason and Damien had remained quite civil, but the stress of being stuck here and lack of freedom was clearly getting to them. Actually, Tim was surprised that Damien had even lasted this long.

Tim looked apologetically at the Avengers. "Welp, um we'll be right back after we dispose of him."

"Dispose? Oh shit, you killed him?!" Peter ran into the room with concern written all over his face. It appeared he'd just arrived to catch the end of Tim's sentence, seeing as he was still in his costume and all.

Tim held him back. "No no no. He's not dead, just unconscious."

"What? Why? How?"

Tim hoisted Jason's arm over his shoulder and motioned for Peter to follow. "I'll explain. Can you lend me a hand?"

"Ah yeah sure thing." Peter crossed the room and easily lifted Jason out of Tim's grasp. Ah, to have superpowers. They left the others, swiftly making it to Tim's room which the brothers were sharing. Tim could hear Tony already asking a heck ton of questions and inwardly wished Dick good luck.

They set Jason down on the bed. Tim breathed out a huge sigh, causing Peter to look at him questioningly.

"I donno. It's just been twenty times more stressful with them around." Peter nodded in understanding. "I mean of course I love having them here and all, but I just can't deal with all of this." Tim saved his hands vaguely in the air. He was referring to the expectations, the secrets, the dimension hopping.

He shrugged and sighed again. He was well aware that complaining about it wasn't going to solve anything. He turned to look at Peter.

"So what are you doing here?"

Peter looked a little sheepish and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, I was going to complain about something but I don't think this is the right time."

"Nah, it's all good. Go for it."

"Well, it's kinda about your brothers?"

Tim ran a hand through his hair. He spoke in a defeated tone. "What did they do this time?"

"Okay, I know I'm being really petty, but I really can't go on patrol anymore because of your brothers."

Oh. Tim kind of felt sorry for Peter. The crime rate in New York was already low when they'd arrived and it had steadily declined in the last week due to his brothers' vigorous patrols. Having been used to a large amount of crime per night and an affinity for going out on patrol, his brothers had quickly gotten rid of many of the big timers and effectively created a big enough presence to deter any potential criminals.

It didn't help that they were out hours on end due to being active both day and night. Peter would have been lucky if he had even seen anything remotely illegal. Tim wondered if this was something akin to extinction, but of criminals.

He sighed.

There was probably also the fact that Damien and Jason liked to torment other heroes, though Tim had no idea if Peter had met them on patrol.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. I can't blame you, honestly. I mean they pretty much have nothing to do in the Tower so they were bound to take out everything on patrol... I'll go and speak to them about it if that helps."


They walked back to the kitchen leaving Jason snoring on the bed. 

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