Chapter 11

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Tim returned back to the tower, escorted by some SHIELD agents who left after dropping him off.

After going through some examinations in the Helicarrier to prove his identity, he felt oddly tired. He was told that for now, he was in the clear and that they wouldn't bother him as long as he agreed to remain with the Avengers for the time being. He didn't really mind it, of course with no other place to stay in this dimension.

Tim shifted the duffle bag full of his costume and other stuff and looked at the tower entrance, filled with a newfound energy. At least he was one step closer to getting back home. And he was going to get back home no matter what.

He entered the building and headed over to the elevators when he was abruptly stopped by security guards. He looked up at their burly figures, annoyed, but placed a polite smile on his face.

"Excuse me, I need to get through."

"We're afraid the general public doesn't have access to the tower without a pre booking with Mr Stark." one of them said.

"I think there's been a mistake, I have business with the Avengers."

"A likely story."

Tim was getting frustrated by this point and wanted to slap himself for not thinking about this problem sooner. He was dumb to assume that since they'd disclosed their secret identities that they'd have loose security. He knew that the guards wouldn't let him through unless one of the Avengers told them to specifically let him through. And it wasn't like he could call them with Tony having confiscated his phone.

"Please, couldn't you call someone down to verify my claim?"

One of them raised a hand to their earpiece. "Stacy, could you ask Mr. Stark if he's expecting a visitor? Short, teenage boy, black hair and blue eyes?" Tim mentally cursed. Stark didn't know how he looked like without the mask. The guard waited for a reply, his eyes narrowing at Tim as it confirmed Tim's thoughts.

"Quit it, fanboy. You're not going up no matter what you say."

They turned him around and marched back to the entrance, unceremoniously dumping him outside.

Tim picked up his bag and looked back at the building. How was he supposed to get up there?

He looked down at his duffle bag and sighed. There wasn't much of a choice here. Maximum effort it is then.


Tim mentally cursed as he swung up the building next to Avengers tower. Why did the tower have to be so freaking tall?

His eyes scanned around himself. Right, if he just grappled there and swung between the buildings, he'd probably be able to gather enough momentum to carry him up at least a few more floors. He followed through, deploying his gliders for a moment before springing off a ledge and jumping higher.

He'd made significant progress in climbing the outside of the building. To be honest, Tim was getting tired. Trying to travel vertically upwards was definitely a lot of work, particularly if the said building was practically made up of flat, smooth glass panes with hardly any footholds anywhere.

He looked above him, estimating about three more floors until the Avengers' balcony. Tim twisted himself around, grappling to the edge of the balcony and swinging over the edge before flipping and landing on his feet, facing the view that he'd refused to appreciate while he was climbing the building. He threw his bag down next to him and pumped a fist.

"Hell yeah!"

He was out of breath, but proud of himself. After all, he hadn't been training for weeks and getting up here was no mean feat. Something shattered from behind him and Tim quickly whipped around to see Tony standing there, broken coffee cup at his feet.

"What the actual fuck? Kid, how'd you even-? This is the 93rd floor."

Tim rolled his eyes. "Well, it wasn't like you were gonna let me in through the front door."

"Wait what?"

Tim sighed and took off his mask. Tony stepped back at the sudden movement.

"Woah what are you doing?" He looked at Tim's blue eyes and squinted before remembering. "Oh my God that was you?"

Tim rolled his eyes and picked up his bag.

"Yup, thanks." He moved past Stark and into the tower, heading for his room. On the way, he passed Steve who did a double take.

"Woah, Robin you've got your mask off,"

Tim smiled back at him. "Mhm, hey Steve could you gather everyone in the lounge? I'll be down in a second."

"Sure thing," Tim turned around and continued to walk away.


Tim shuffled a little awkwardly in his spot. The Avengers were all looking at his exposed face in varying degrees of intrigue and shock.

"Right, so yeah, I've decided to trust all of you with my identity." Tim paused, unsure of how to go on. How do introductions go again?

"Er.. My name is Timothy Drake but please feel free to call me Tim. I'm looking forward to working with-" Tim cut himself off, embarrassed. He'd unknowingly slipped into his business introduction which he'd memorized to use when meeting Bruce's clients.

"Wow, I expected you to have a more asshole like name. Like Brad or something." Stark commented. Tim rolled his eyes at the sarcasm.

"So, is there a reason for this reveal or.." Steve asked. Tim thought for a moment.

"Well, I just wanted to do it, honestly."

"...Anticlimactic, but fair enough,"

"Okay well this is good and all, but are we going to get around to how Timmy climbed 93 freaking floors to get here?" Tony interjected.

"He what?" Steve asked, shocked.

Natasha didn't say anything but seemed intrigued.

Tim shrugged. "I mean I didn't have a choice! What was I supposed to do? Just loiter until one of you decided to come out? Do you guys even go out through the front door?"

They partially ignored him, focusing on his previous action. "No normal person should be able to do that." Clint nodded, agreeing.

"Do you have powers or something? Like Cap's super serum? You know, enhanced strength, speed.."

Tim laughed. "Well that's a first. Nope, I'm just a regular human being. Nothing special at all." Except the fact that I don't belong in this dimension.

"You gotta be kidding me. Kid you don't have to lie. We won't judge you."

" I swear, I'm one hundred percent human, nothing mixed or added!"

Tony looked at him skeptically as Natasha spoke up.

"Why don't you convince us with a spar?"

Tim looked at her. "Okay, this is highly unnecessary and I don't see how that's going to prove I don't have powers."

Tony crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side with a grin. "We'll go easy on you kid, no need to be scared or anything."

Tim rolled his eyes. "I'm not scared Tony. I just don't see why we need to spar right now. I mean you guys can go ahead and look at my DNA results for any anomalies if you really wanted to know if I had powers or not." 

Honestly speaking, Tim didn't feel up to sparring, which was pretty understandable considering he'd exerted most of his energy when climbing the tower just moments ago. He of course wasn't opposed to the idea of sparring with the Avengers, seeing as it was the best way of assessing their skills on the field, but he had more important stuff to do.

Like figuring out a way home.

And getting home.

Yeah, that was pretty important.

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