chapter 128

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Sadhvi's pov :

The days are passing really quickly...
It still feels like yesterday when I saw Siddarth walking towards me while the priest was chanting all the holy prayers and my eyes fixed to him...seeing him as my to be husband with all the shock and also surprised...not to forget I was happy.

I must have done a lot of good deeds in my previous life that I got so lucky to have him as my husband... Without even doing anything he became the most important person in my life without whom I can't even imagine how I would live.
I even wonder how I lived without him for 19 years...anyways I can't even live past a day without him.
Oh... You may wonder why I was saying all these right?
Let me tell you. Today is our first wedding anniversary.
The day he came to my life and in the next second he stole my heart...though I met him earlier and crushed on him but I feel I loved him when he came in my life as my husband. Calling him my husband still feels so unreal.

Any ways let me say what all happened in my life these past few months. After that dinner with friends me and Siddarth got a lot more closer that we already were. I will be having my 3rd year exams in the next month and even he is preparing for his PG examination when ever he gets time. Eventhough I believe he gets seat in the first attempt he says it will be difficult as he wants to study neurology.
It will be be difficult to get seat in that but I believe my husband can do it.

Now I am in the hostel...I bunked the class without Siddarth's knowledge. Because you know he goes mad if he know I skipped classes. Sometimes I feel he is my father when he nags me.
So without him suspecting me I hide in our dorm room. My friends are in the class though. I want to gift him something and make our day special. But being the boring person that my husband is I wonder if he even remember today is our anniversary.
I was waiting for him to wish me but he doesn't seem to remember.
But I have decided. I will not be angry at him today. I want to enjoy this whole day...making memories. I will punish him tomorrow.

Don't think that I will beat him or something. All I have to do to punish him is making him sleep in the couch or even in the living room.
I do that whenever he makes me angry... Siddarth once said that he couldn't sleep peacefully if he didn't hold me to sleep. Andi take quite an advantage of that thing.
May be I am becoming evil...
But who cares when heakes me so mad.
Imagine guys what will I think when I don't see him anywhere in the house when I woke up. I shrugged it offthinking he is at the gym but he didn't came back even when I waited for and hour. And when I call it directly says that the the person I calling is busy. The nerve of him to not answer my call when I am worrying about him...
My poor brain was thinking of all the scenarios and I nearly had and heart attack when I thought he is in some danger...then I was sobbing like a crazywomen. And then he enters home like a king with his hands in his pockets. After he saw me he came towards me worriedly and asked why am I crying?
Like seriously??? What would I do when my husband don't even inform where he is going and here I am worried about his safety.

Anyways...I think I should forget all those things and think more about my gift for him today.
But even after thinking a lot for more than an hour I couldn't come up with any idea. So did what any other person would do. I googled it... After browsing so many things I have decided I will gift him few things...just simple things which I will buy with all the love in my heart.

I don't have much money...
Imean I am just a college student. I don't earn anything. But thanks to my foresightedness. I have saved money from the past 3 months and also I had savings before. So now I all together have around  ten thousand rupees. Even if it is not much to but gifts... I mean Siddarth...he is rich and he wear branded items all the time. Eventhough he is not a snob I want him to like the things I got for him. Even if it is as simple as greeting card. I want him to cherish all the things I bring for him, I like do when he he gifts me.
So I have locked the door before leaving to the shopping mall to bring the things I will need today.

Sorry for the small chapter guys...
The next chapter will be in Siddarth's pov , hope you guys like it too.

Please wait for the next chapter.
So stay online wait for it to know about sadhvi's surprise in Siddarth's words.

Hope you are curious to know about that❤️

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