chapter 91

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Sadhvi's pov :

I was now somewhat fine.....I am sad but I am trying my best to cheer up.

She consoled me saying that Siddarth was just upset with me I have to try my best to make up with him.

We both went to postings as we are already late by 15 minutes.....

We hurriedly entered the ward and saw my fellow students already gathered around in the ER.

I am somewhat afraid....what if sir is already there and scolds us Infront of everyone.

We both walked sneakily and joined the others.....

I saw Varun.....
And asked "What is going on?" In a very low tone.....

He said "Nothing.....just instructed our seniors about their works."

I just hmmed and looked ahead.

Sir was intructing Siddarth and his friends about their duties.....

And said to divide themselves into two groups and co ordinate with each other.

And what I saw next increased my anger to the peaks......
Like why in the hell they both grouped together?

And Siddarth isnt saying he is okay to be with ria for all the day today.

How can he do that? He knows that she likes him....she will pester him.

May be he was just being professional.

I just stood there silently......
And next as daily I dragged both Geetha and Varun with me and then we followed Siddarth and Ria
I don't want to follow that girl but what to do when my husband is with her?

I can't let them be alone......I trust Siddarth but ria looks so cunning.
She can play her tricks. Even if Siddarth fell for her tricks I will definitely rescue him from her clothes......just like a knight in a shining armour.

To be honest I was not listening to anything my friends are saying....I was just staring at Siddarth and observing Ria if she is doing anything......

But they look like discussing some thing........I really don't want to become like a over possessive wife and also I should have faith in Siddarth which I definitely have ......

So I said that we will take cases of patients in another ward for which they readily agreed

And then we spent our time learnings things......

And soon posting timing is completed
And we all were about to leave the ward.....

I saw Ria hugging Siddarth.....more like she is falling over him.

I felt so angry like a volcano inside me which was resting from ages is ready to burst out.

But then again I cannot over rwact in front of I tried to control my anger.

After having our lunch we sat in the classroom and the lecturer started teaching something which I am not at all giving any attention.

The scene in which ria was all over Siddharth was playing continuously in my mind like it was a broken recorder.

And it is pissing me off so much that I wanted to punch ria on her face.

I thought as the time goes my anger will reduce.....but now I am feeling how wrong I am.
Because as the time was passing my anger was building up in me.....I am so frustrated right now that I just want to vent all my anger.

I was scribbling in my book in an attempt to divert my mind which isn't helping me at all.

As soon as the lecturer left I almost ran out of the classroom.

I had already booked the cab when I was in class so as soon as I was at the entrance the cab was already waiting for me.

My head was aching with all the thinking I was doing.

So I rested my head on the head rest.....
" are at your destination." I heard the cab driver calling me.

I opened my groggy eyes and paid him and got out of the car.

As soon as I came home I laid on sofa feeling tired.
I thought I will be better with some sleep so I slept for sometime.




"Baby what are you doing?" I heard Siddarth's voice......

He was calling me baby just like how he used to happiness knew no bounds.

I was so happy that my eyes were almost tearing up.......and my cheeks are hurting with all the smiling.

Just when I was about to turn in his direction and answer him that I was waiting for be with him all my life, I saw someone else standing there.

But now I just wanted to be in his I started moving in his direction to hug him tightly and say that I love him.

He was just few steps away from me.

I gave a smile and stretched my hands in an attempt to hold him......he moved back.

I frowned...what happened?

He was talking with me just now right? And why is he back to his cold self?

"Sidd...."someone's voice cut me off

" I am here what are you doing with her." I can sense the disgust towards me from the owner of the voice.

My frown deepened as I looked at the owner of the was Ria.

Why the hell is she calling Siddharth with nickname....only I can call him that.

All my possessiveness I have in me was showing up....

I grabbed her hands and angrily pushed her back as she was about to hug Siddarth again.

"You.....don't you dare come near my husband again. Understood? He is happily married to me so don't even try to come between us.....I will be the baddest person if you do that. I will shave you head and chop your hands if you once again tried to come near Siddarth." I angrily shouted at her.

I just hope she stays away.....because now a days my anger is at peaks and I don't know if could control my anger again......

She shoves me as soon as I finished my rant.

I thought Siddarth will be angry with her because he will protect me from everything.....I had this confidence.

But he was just standing there with no expression on his face.
I couldn't read what was running in his mind.

"Come baby.....let's ignore her she is just like a bitch......let's have dinner date at night." Ria said and held his arm as support.

I was gritting my teeth seeing that scene. How can she hold him?
But he too was not opposing her.

"Why?" Was the only words which escaped from my mouth involuntarily....may be my heart wanted to know the reason for this.

"You are the one who left me first Sadhvi." Siddarth said and left with Ria without even turning back......
Here I was just kneeling on the ground and crying my heart's out.

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