Chapter 29 - Lyssa's whereabouts

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Gregory POV

Everything moved at a very fast pace since we commenced Operation: Red Blaze.

After all, innocent citizens' lives were on the line, we can't afford to dawdle. We couldn't take the risk that the enemy will catch up with our plan if we stall any more time.

We divided half of the war force into smaller troops and sent them to the cities and villages of the South Kingdom. The Empire sent off some reinforcements for that as well. We took the initiative to attack the Huran guerrilla raiders at once. They were caught off guard so they were easily defeated and captured.

Some of the enemy troops attacked the towns to retaliate. However, it was clear that we are on the winning side of the war. What was left to do is to ambush the enemy's main camp when they are reorganizing their troops and strategy.

Noah and the rest of our infiltration team were on standby, they already successfully identified the camp of the Huran Supreme Commander. We were bidding time.

And in the midst of this, Avery, as the Royal Scholar, visited the South Kingdom to estimate the extent of the damage. He stopped by our headquarters momentarily, along with his fiancé, Lady Vallenrose.

I still had mixed feelings seeing those two together.

Avery Divan is my childhood friend. We know each other since we were very young, so we're more like brothers than friends. And since childhood, he was said to be the most suitable marriage candidate for my sister. I, too, thought so. Especially because I knew that Avery had feelings for Lyssa for the longest time.

Although Lyssa was clueless about Avery's feelings, I supported him. Since my love for Emilia blossomed almost at the same time as Avery's love for Lyssa, I thought it was natural that they will eventually be together, too. I had long imagined that the four of us together as a family in the future, Emilia and I, Avery and Allyssa. How nice it would be.

That was the main reason why I loathed Lucas Maxwell.

Nevertheless, the reality turned out to be different from my imagination. I felt a bit disappointed, but I can't imagine how devastated Avery must've felt when Lyssa rejected him two years ago.

That night, we had a drink at Crown Prince Julius private palace. Just the three of us.

"To her, I'll always be just family. She never saw me as a man. My feelings were doomed from the beginning! Why didn't I realize it?"

Avery chugged his third glass of liquor. His face was already flushed.

"Now that I think about it, Lyssa's kindness was like a sister caring for her brother! In her eyes, there was no difference between Greg and me. I was the one who misunderstood her in the first place!"

I sipped my own glass of the exquisite whiskey courtesy of the crown prince. I can't refute anything he said, so I just listened pitifully.

"How presumptuous I was. Ha."

Avery scoffed at himself.

"You should stop drinking, Avery. I know this was my idea, but I think this should be enough."

Prince Julius who was quietly listening sighed. Maybe he was unable to leave the unsightly Avery anymore. Avery was not a good drinker. Normally, he avoids drinking altogether. It was quite depressing seeing him like that.

"Nah, let me be for tonight. Uh. I want to bury this feeling forever, so... Just tonight, let me indulge these feelings for the last time."

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now