Chapter 15 - Fierce but Tender Blaze of Dawn

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"The Fierce but Tender Blaze of Dawn".

It was the title of the novel I read in my past life.

It was about how the main characters marched through a fierce, devastating war, accidentally found a tender love in the midst of their sufferings. And in the end of it, with the break of blazing red dawn, the war ended, and happiness and glory started.

However, the titled itself was actually the representation of the Female Lead appearance and personality.

Strong but kind hearted Selene Abraham.

The novel was written in her point of view. Readers can't help but to sympathize with her.

The first page of the prologue started with a sentence that etched in my heart, still.

"The red haired magician who set up fireworks illuminating the starless night at the battlefield - it is I, Selene."

For me, whose personality was lacking due to my marital issue, her confidence and strength was inspiring.

The story started with how Selene was threatened by her own father to leave the Magic Tower, a place that she can finally called her home after years of suffering in her own household.

Pitiful, poor Selene. This was how she was portrayed at the beginning.

Selene Abraham was an illegitimate daughter of a viscount in a remote border town of South Kingdom. Her mother was a red-haired wondering gypsy dancer who caught the attention of the lecherous viscount, and was brought to him as his plaything, not even a concubine.


She was not even born out of love.

And whether it was a blessing or a curse, her mother died while giving birth to her. If it was not due to the large amount of mana she was born with, she would probably be killed at birth.

She was kept alive, also not due to love.

The viscount saw her as an object - an potential asset to the family. And so, she was raised in his estate by a servant, constantly being tormented by her stepmother and step siblings. Her father did not care, instead, she was constantly reminded by him to be grateful of how she was allowed to live as part of the Abraham family.

At 10 years old, the viscount sent her to the Magic Tower due to a constant pressure from the viscountess who hated her existence. Every year, she came home for two months during holidays. She didn't have to, but she went back home every year because of her filial piety.

She had initially sought love from her family. She endured the vicious things the viscountess and her step-siblings did to her. She had hoped that they eventually be a real family.

But at the age of 17, she realized it was just her meaningless dream.

Then, she gave up her undeserving family for magic.

At the Tower, she met a lot of people. she learnt what friendships and kindness were. She was happy. She climbed to the top and finally appointed as Head of Department of Magic Attack - a department focusing on development of attack magic, after working for just one year.

But just when she thought she was finally free, she was forced to leave everything that was precious to her and was literally thrown into the chaotic war.

However, despite her pitiful past and family circumstances, she grew up to be strong, confidence yet kind and sweet young girl.

She was the very definition of girl power!

How can I not like her?

As a matter of fact, I idolized her.

So, when I realized that I'm living in the novel world, I was looking forward to meeting Selene.

She is just a year younger than I am, I bet we'll get along well.

If not for my own strong carnal desire to touch the Male Lead, I wouldn't end up in this complicated situation!!

Shame on you, Allyssa Reynold!!

Stupid Allyssa! Shameless Allyssa!


Even if everything calmed down in a few years and I finally able to go back to Eos, there's no way Selene will ever be friendly toward me - the mother of her future husband's children!

Not that I'll ever admit to anyone who my children's father is, but my own conscience wouldn't allow myself to approach her!

And what if Lucas found out about the children? What if he decided to take them away from me? After all, they are his flesh and blood.

I'd die. I can't let it happen.

Then, the only option was to never set foot in Eos, ever! It's unfortunate, but that's for the best.

After I settled down for few years in Alpina with Oscar's help, when the children are about 3 or 4 years old, I will raise them in Cloude.

I'll beg Uncle Clifford, Oscar's dad and my godfather, to adopt me. Since he already consider me his daughter, I think he'd happily do so.

The children will grow up as the Royal Duke's grandchildren. Not bad, huh?

Plus, their real grandparents and uncle will be able to meet them. I will definitely get in trouble and will have a lot of explaining to do, but it'll be alright.


This sound like a pretty good plan.

Well, if you compared with my initial plan when I first ran away from home, this one is a hundred times better.

What were I thinking?

Raising my precious babies in a small house in the middle of nowhere with only a few golds per month? They'll be so pitiful, I will never allow that!


Too bad I might never be able to meet Selene even though we are living in the same world now.

It was my fault, anyway. I'll live with it.

Eh, wait a second.

I wasn't my fault!! I planned everything perfectly!

Lucas Maxwell! Unbearing Gem!

It wasn't my fault if Lucas' Unbearing Gem malfunctioned! It was also not my fault that this world doesn't have female contraceptives!

My plan was flawless.

I was seriously planning to dump him right before the war started. And after the war ended, I planned to make friends with Selene.

I already pictured it in my head!

Well, I'm just another girl Lucas shared his bed with before meeting her. But instead of making her feel intimidated, I would be friendly to her and tell her that the past womanizer Lucas was no more since he had met her. I'll convince her that to Lucas, I'm just a nobody.

I'd support their love.

That was the plan.

When did it started to go awry?

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now