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A few days had gone by and Angie was back in the offices. Only in the office though. Working on old cases alongside Reid. The two geeks mumbling to each other while working. It amazed everyone still on how much they were alike.

She had said something to the curly haired man before getting up. She made her way towards the bathroom. Opening the door, instantly regretting it.

There against the bathroom sink was JJ and Emily in a very heated make out. With wide eyes, Angie spun around and left in a hurry. Getting embarrassed for herself. She found her way back to the seat next to Spencer. Sitting down muttering to herself.

"ohmyfuckingGod. ohmyfuckingGod. ohmyfuckingGod.ohmyfuckingGod.ohmyfuckingGod." She repeated. Everyone was focused on her. Words spewing out of her mouth quicker than Spencer speaking.

"Woah, calm down sweets!" Penelope tried to sooth. Seeing the pure terror that was in Angie's glossy eyes. "What happened?!"

"I'm literally going to have nightmares." Angie exaggerated. Just then Emily and JJ came back into the room. The teen had finally understood what giving a fresh set of eyes meant when it was texted. She shook her head  with a very disgusted look at the two.

"Ok, I can't be the only one confused?" Derek raised his hands. Angie just gave him the 'you don't want to know' look. Which he knowingly nodded and went back to his file. Curiosity still brewing inside of him.

The brunette looked back over at the two ladies. Both of them signaling for her to follow them away from the group. As much as Angie didn't want to go, she knew she had to. With nervousness close behind her, she made her way over.

The three stood in an empty office. "You could've made out anywhere else, and you choose the bathroom? Lucky it was me wo walked in and not PennyG. Or your ass' would've been in so much trouble."

"What can we do as an apology?" JJ questioned, feeling terrible about what the girl saw.

"To not do whatever it was you two horny teenagers were doing in the bathroom again! I just had to pee and instead got scared for  life!" Angie flailed her arms all over. The two mother figures laughing. "But as a thank you! You both owe me 2 weeks of lunch." The smiles soon dropped.

"Thank you?" They responded in sync.

"If it wasn't for me, you two wouldn't have been fondueing in the bathroom. Instead Emily would have been keeping her secret feelings a secret and you would still be with Will. But the divorce file that was on your desk said otherwise," Angie blinked rapidly. Leaving the two in complete shock. "I'll be accepting my lunches at 2."

Angie put a bounce in her step and went back to the desk. "She's too good for us," JJ pointed out.

"Too good for us? More like too good at blackmailing people." Emily scoffed. JJ lightly pushed her.


"Ya' know, nobody ever told me if they caught Tyler's dad." Angie randomly brought up. She was waiting for Emily to finish her files. And to past time, the young girl talked to Penelope, Reid, Rossi, and Morgan.

The random mention caught everyone off guard. Including Angie herself. Why did I bring that up? She thought to herself. "Like, I'm just saying. But it's an oh well moment." A heavy silence started to grow. "Anyways! Are you almost done over there?"

"Yeah, just about. Eager to get home?" Emily joked. She turned around and the adults were all just staring blankly at Angie from behind. She was going to say something but took the hint it was something the young girl had said. "Why don't you go see what JJ is doing before we go? We could invite her for a late dinner."

"Sure thing," the brunette nodded and skipped off. Multiple sets of eyes following her out.

"Does she always bring up Tyler's dad randomly?" Morgan kept a low tone. He focused on Emily now, who furrowed her brows.

"She mentioned it as if he wasn't the killer of her families. She said it so...calmly." Penelope shook her head. The group sat in a second of silence.

"She hasn't mentioned him for awhile. Nor anything before she joined the FBI." The women with ravenous hair informed. Becoming confused about how she doesn't really know much about the kid she took in. "Thinking about it, she's very secretive and closed off. She doesn't talk about her best friend, ex, or anything. The only time was when she found out and cried."

"Its been what, 7, 8 months now? How come we barely know a thing about her past. All we know was the first two encounters. When she was 4 and 5. What happened in those 11 years?" Morgan asked the question everyone wanted to.

Before they could continue the conversation, the topic came skipping back in. "JJ said she would be more than happy to join us for a late night dinner." She grinned. Angie had noticed all the looks that were directed at her, but chose to ignore them. Having the feeling they were talking about her.

"Why don't you go start the car? I have to hand these in and grab a few things before we leave." Emily tossed the keys to her. Angie looked down at them, twisting and fumbling them in her hands.

"It's like you're trying to get rid of me," she joked. Everyone gave an awkward laugh in return, knowing that was what they were trying to do. "But don't be long, I haven't eaten all day."

"You got it," Emily chuckled dryly. With that, the girl left the floor. "She's inhuman almost."

"I mean, think about it." Rossi shrugged. "She graduated 2 years advance, had a perfect GPA, a good relationship, and works with the FBI t 16. "

"She was probably popular to. A face like that and brains is the perfect combo to popularity." Morgan threw in.

"Being the youngest agent makes her popular here to." Reid gave more reasoning. Just then, JJ came from her office.

"What are we talking about that we're all still here?" She knitted her brows while wearing a smirk.

"Angie. Nobody knows much about her 11 years." Emily filled in. "Along with how she just seems too perfect to be human."

"I don't follow. Too perfect? As in like, Mary Poppins?" JJ cracked, only she had laughed. "Maybe you guys are just tired and overthinking everything."

"But what if we're not? The first night she was here, she did guess my computer password in 1 try. 3 tries, yeah maybe less suspicious, but 1? Almost as if she's been stalking or following us." Penelope reminded the group.

"All I know is, she's in the car waiting so, lets just drop it for now." Emily put a halt to the conversation. "I'll see you all tomorrow."

Bidding goodbyes, the two left for dinner. Getting in the car where Angie sat in the back on her phone. Something she never let anyone else see. It wasn't odd, as she was a teen, but was she really a teen was the new question in the air.

Of course she was a 16 year old with the brain of Einstein, but it was hard for Emily to see her the same way. All from a simple conversation in the offices.

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