𝓞𝓵𝓭 𝓖𝓪𝓵 𝓟𝓪𝓵𝓼❦6

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It was quiet at first. As Angie was wiping off the blood. It bugged Angie though, so she thought to break it. "Remember the first time we met?" She randomly quizzed. She wasn't expecting a 'yes' answer.

"I do. We went out and got you a happy meal. It changed your mood completely. Then when we got back, your mood changed again. It was because, I think her name was Ms. Bland-Kurd?" She recalled.

"Ms. Blancher," Angie laughed. "And then I ran around the entire floor because I didn't want to leave. Is the plant I hid behind still there?" The two were trying to hold in loud outburst.

"We made a little plaque with your name on it," Emily joked. The two laughed like mother and daughter.

"I haven't seen Hotchner, is he still here?" Angie questioned, remembering the interactions she had with the two.

"He is, but he's just in the roundtable room." Emily spilled. Angie had finished wiping off the blood.

"Like a room with a roundtable in it, or a room shaped like a roundtable?" Angie playfully asked. Earning a soft laugh from Emily. She pulled of the sweatshirt, rather fast as well, sliding into the navy blue FBI crew neck. A small amount of sadness washed dover her. "I really liked Tyler, but...knowing what his father has done. What if he's capable of doing the same? But, you know what they say, if you love somebody, you let them go."

"It's what's best for them," Emily said, knowing the exact feeling. Angie had taken that into note. Now, a bit curious.

"Who was your love?" She let slipped. Emily's eyes shot open. It was too late to take it back now. "Is it JJ? Because I mean, the way you look at her. Yes, she's probably in a relationship, most definitely has a kid, but that doesn't always stop people. Have you guys ever kissed? Because, like normalize friends who have sex with no strings attached. Well, maybe one has strings attached, but the other thinks its just for fun, but it's still nice."

"Did you pick all that up just from those five words and encounters?" Emily asked, getting a small idea. On the inside, it stung her though.

"Everyone can do it," Angie shrugged, sliding on the plain grey sweats. "Peep the fit! It's a bit out of my style, but it's better than nothing." She showed off. She did a little spin, striking poses.

"You do know it takes years for someone to profile someone." Emily brought up, ignoring her opinion on the outfit. Angie stopped posing, letting out an annoyed groan.

"I don't know, but you ignored my outfit. I'm going to assume you said you liked it though. Also, it wasn't profiling, it was observing a hopeless romantic." Angie innocently beamed. This time Angie lead the way.

"Ok, what were you going to college for?" Emily changed the topic. Her small idea, growing into a larger one.

"I was going to go and become doctor, while Tyler was going to become a professional athlete." Angie spun, walking backwards. "It wasn't what I really wanted, but I had planned to marry Tyler. So, while he tried to become famous, I would bring in the money. It is what it is!"

"What if you came and worked here? Alongside Penelope. You would stay here, wouldn't have to fly-" Emily listed.

"Oh! I love flying! I was going to become a pilot, but that went out the window real quick. I mean, if I wanted to, I could, but I've already had everything set through for college." Angie cut her off, rambling about the future.

"Well, you could travel with us then on cases. The only downfall, is there's a lot of murder with this job." The older women continued on. The two had stopped by the door to a room. "The team is in there, if you want to meet them."

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