26: Cozy

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this part may get 16+

 it feels like home in your arms 


The kiss moved tenderly, no tongue involved no bites or sucks. The only effort was to feel more of the soft lips of the other. They moved slowly, softly. It was not heated yet pleasurable. Jungkook's hand went to hold Taehyung's shoulder, it was when taehyung made his hand tighter around the younger's waist and one hand moved and got rested on the thighs.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss and it started to get heated, the smooches became defined and their breaths became uneven and heavier. Jungkook gaining a little more confidence pushed taehyung to the passenger seat as the door was open. Taehyung was totally sitting on it, his hands now rested on Jungkook's curves, while Jungkook had his one knee on the seat between Taehyung's leg and one leg on the floor. His hand traveled more around Taehyung neck.

His fingers tugged at Taehyung's hair in a fist, prompting Taehyung to deepen the kiss more and more. The wet warm core of their tongues was already sloppily tangled in each other. Deep breaths were sucked from noses and Jungkook moaned when he squeezed his ass, trust me, he liked it.

Minding that Jungkook's position was not very comfortable Taehyung pushed him down to his lap sideways. Jungkook's legs now hanged out of the seat, one hand still in hair, one fisted the collar of Taehyung shirt. Jungkook was insanely into the kiss but also conscious enough to not go far, else he would've started to grind on Taehyung long ago.

They continued to make out. Taking small gasps before crashing their lips again in hunger, it was good, yes it was. Their half-lid eyes started every part of each other.

Jungkook knew the condition in his tight pants and taehyung was about to go hard from a semi. So he pulled out before the situation could go out of control. Their lips may have detached but their eyes didn't, they stared at each other. Deep breaths with their expressions in deep confusion.

What just happened, they knew too well but the question still was valid. "That... that was good" Taehyung whispered. He was scared for a certain moment that his words could make the air more awkward but it didn't happen as Jungkook let out a chuckle. His soft giggle is capable to lighten the toughest moments and so it also made taehyung crack a smile. He was already feeling whipped but he was not complaining.

"I liked it too, you are skilled" Jungkook said and rested his hands on Taehyung chest while he relaxed on Taehyung lap. Taehyung's smile went to his ears, he giggled while Jungkook followed. Never they had been so comfortable after kissing an almost stranger, but there was something in the air or in their feels that was making it so cozy.

"I still can't believe that I'm with one of the Jeons and I just kissed him," Taehyung said making Jungkook giggle more. "Should I kiss you one more time to make you believe?" he joked back.

A playful smirk captured Taehyung's mouth and he said "Jungkook, be with my sister and trust me all our lives will be set" he joked on which Jungkook smirked back saying "wouldn't me being with you will make it better?"

Taehyung Loved how they were talking "I'm ready sir, tell me where to sign" on this, the brunette hit Taehyung's chest and laughed loudly. "don't you fly too much," Jungkook said between his laughs.

Taehyung, for once, his eyes feel on Jungkook's smooth neck when Jungkook's laughed throwing his head back. He resisted and just rested his head on Jungkook's bit buff chest. When Jungkook's laugh died down he completed the hug and sniffed Taehyung's hair for no reason.

Taehyung didn't know when he fell asleep with his face nuzzled in Jungkook's crook of the neck, and Jungkook couldn't stop smiling at the elder's small state. He chuckled before folding his leg inside the car and shutting the door. He leaning on and maintained a comfortable place for both Taehyung and himself. making sure that the car is locked from inside with windows open a little for ventilation, he let himself fall into slumber too.

Damn, he felt so safe and comfy, the fact that the car was standing on a land plot in front of a barren highway didn't matter much, it was Taehyung near him for the meantime, the certain person who he met a while ago, the previous day, so trustable.

The next morning both woke up smiling softly at each other, you couldn't tell that they went intense yesterday, they felt so normal yet special. Taehyung had one of the worst cases of a dead leg, according to Jungkook. Their drive continued, Jungkook drove.

"We are here..." Jungkook softly said, a certain tug was in his chest with a thought that Taehyung would leave now. 

They were at Busan, Taehyung liked it and also disliked it for some reason when he looked at Jungkook. 

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