14: Open up

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a step closer, progress


An hour passed. Taehyung stopped speaking and focused on driving, while Jungkook started out of the window. After Taehyung explained his story Jungkook only hummed and commented "interesting".

Both sat in comfortable silence while their mind was trafficked by thoughts. Taehyung's memories came back to his mind, all the words, shouts, apologies were getting repeated like a broken record. On the other hand, Jungkook was having a debate, he was questioning himself if he should also be more open to Taehyung. The conversation could tell that Taehyung trusted this stranger guy with his talks, he shared things he may not tell everyone, he was comfortable with this bunny driver he met not even a day before, Jungkook seemed eye-catching and special.

Jungkook believed that if Taehyung was sharing stuff, he should too. He didn't want to be introverted when he was finally out of his home.

'does it makes me a bit rude if I'm not sharing anything and only he is'? he questioned himself in mind. And the only answer he knew was a sigh. He gave out a sigh and skipped the question as he didn't know the answer

"so do you have more friends other than the Jimin guy?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung looked at the younger shortly before looking back at the road. He chuckled a bit before answering "yeah I have, remember I told you about Yoongi hyung and then there is hoseok hyung. Those two are my closest friends and the rest I have a lot of them in college."

Jungkook nodded, getting back on his thing when Taehyung spoke again. "You are still on that topic? It's almost like an hour since we ended it" he giggled thinking that Jungkook was not over it yet. Jungkook felt embarrassed as he was caught, a strange warmness crawled his cheeks and he looked away from Taehyung's face.

Taehyung chuckled when Jungkook didn't answer, he leaned a bit too younger, and when he was almost near kook's ear he spoke, "don't think about me too much, pretty boy" and with that one noticed how Jungkook got crimson red.

Jungkook tries to cover up and gave a scoff and shook his head. "don't get too high on yourself" the younger said. Taehyung only chuckled and continued to drive.

"what about you?" Taehyung asked out of the blue. Jungkook let out a 'huh' on the question.

"what about you, what friend do you have?" Taehyung completed his question.

"I... I don't have any of them" Jungkook confessed. "I've been a bit isolated all my life until this year when I came out of my house" Jungkook stated as a sad fact and look down at his finger messing with the hem of his shirt.

"well, you have me now" Taehyung mentioned, "I'd love to be your friend."

And nothing more could brighten up Jungkook's day than this, he was finally getting a friend, almost his age, who he would not hesitate to trust upon because of strange certain reasons.


"yeah really"

Jungkook's hopeful smile changed to a smile of achievement. His lips curled up from ear to ear and he let out his bunny teeth while starring at Taehyung. Taehyung was also equally smiling in his own way, the box stretched his lips and eyes got small, he glanced at the happy Jungkook. He was happy to know that such a small sentence made Jungkook's face so bright.

Jungkook's next step was a bit odd, he thought. He leaned forward and gave an unexpected hug to the elder. He circled his arm around Taehyung and gave a side hug, his chest got pressed in other's arm and he released before it could get awkward.

The Hug that lasted 2 seconds and Taehyung not reacting anything negative to it just made a word loudly bang Jungkook's head. 'progress', he wanted to pat his shoulders for what he was able to achieve.

He glanced back at the driving guy and his face fell when he saw Taehyung wide eyes staring out at the road. Jungkook shifted his gaze back and noticed what made Taehyung face in fear.

He saw a guy waving for the car while in his lap lay another person half in blood. An inverted car at the roadside clearly telling that they met an accident.

Taehyung immediately stooped the car in front of the duet. Jungkook worked on impulse and opened the door.

"oh my god" he yelled out and saw Taehyung joining. "please take us to the hospital," the guy still in his senses said.

"yes yes, we have to be fast, get him in the car," Taehyung said and Jungkook helped the two. The other guy with brown hair was knocked out while the other one with a Blackhead was heavily in tears.

Everything around went weird and only a piercing should be heard. Taehyung climbed back to the driving seat and Jungkook joined after making the victims sit at the behind seat.

The car started and they heard the black-haired guy say, "just hang in there jinne, just a little bit more, please."  

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